

50 CentIf you had four dollars, and your Mum took away half, your Dad took away two quarters, and your Auntie, Uncle, and siblings spent at least one-third of a ninth on cocaine, what would that make? Yes. That’s correct. That would make the following comic book about the infamous rapper, 50 Cent. It was written by Dan Rafter, illustrated by J. Bruce Bogle, and published by TidalWave Comics. Please enjoy.

50 Cent

50 Cent

50 Cent

50 Cent

To see what happens next please come back next week for part two, or alternatively, check out TidalWave Comics on their website, facebook, and twitter pages. Better yet, why not pick up a copy of ‘Fame: 50 Cent’ via ComiXology.

50 CENT (PART ONE) - A FOUR PAGE PREVIEW 50 CENT (PART ONE) - A FOUR PAGE PREVIEW Reviewed by David Andrews on November 22, 2019 Rating: 5

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