

The Coppolas: A Movie DynastyOn the 7th of October, 2021, Palazzo Editions will be releasing a 288-page hardback book that chronicles the life and times of the filmmaking family known as The Coppolas. It was written by the author, Ian Nathan, who's been kind enough to tell us a bit more about his book via the following QnA. Please enjoy.

1) Name three words that best describe who you are?   Movie detective for hire (Okay, that's four words, but you get the drift).

Francis Ford Coppola
2) What inspired you to write your book, 'The Coppolas: A Movie Dynasty'?   
Now, as obvious as it may sound, I'd have to say that Francis Ford Coppola inspired me because he's directed at least three of the greatest films ever made, and in many ways, the story behind his career is every bit as riveting! A career that almost tore himself (and often his family) apart!

Honestly, there's so much to tell here, ranging from several chapters that focus on his films, like 'The Godfather', for instance, and 'Apocalypse Now' (both of which could easily have made their own book), all the way to Francis's relationships with certain members of his family, including his daughter, Sofia, who's a cool, measured, and equally obsessive lady, as well as his long-suffering wife, Eleanor Coppola, who's a brilliant artist in her own right and hugely influential.

I also want people to experience this world in a really rich way! Not with the stiff-limbed, this-and-then-this approach of a film historian! But rather, with something novelistic and vivid that puts the reader right there in the heart of the moment.

Sofia Coppola
3) While researching this book, what was the one fact that surprised you the most?
   Well, even though he had three nervous breakdowns while directing the 1979 wartime epic, 'Apocalypse Now' (among other nightmares), what surprised me the most was what happened to Francis Ford Coppola as a kid... as he contracted the serious illness, polio, and had to be bedridden for some of his childhood. In many ways, this near-death experience defined the type of filmmaker he became.

4) List your top five films either directed or starring a member of the Coppola family.   Now I want to be original here, but let's face it, the greats are the greats for a pretty good reason. So, in terms of my favorites, I'd say...
  1. 'Apocalypse Now'
  2. 'Lost in Translation'
  3. 'The Godfather' (I still take the original over 'Part II')
  4. 'The Conversation'
  5. 'Raising Arizona' (saying so because you did stipulate any family member, which in this case, means Nicolas Cage)

The Coppola Family
5) Have you had any interactions or feedback from any member of the Coppola family?   
No, not directly, because the idea was to come at their story from the periphery. But with that said, I have spent some time with Francis Ford Coppola, and I have a ton of testimonies from different places to back up my book.

6) Which member of the Coppola family do you identify with the most and why?   I'd have to say Sofia Coppola, Francis's daughter, as I'm not sure I have the same 'storms' in my makeup as her father! After all, he generally seems to thrive on conflict, whereas Sofia, on the other hand, appears to be a calmer soul who thrives on harmony. Heck, she doesn't even allow anyone to shout 'action' on her set, but she's still every bit as determined.

Priced at £20, 'The Coppolas: A Movie Dynasty' is a 288-page hardback book published by Palazzo Editions and written by Ian Nathan. For further information, please feel free to check out the official Website, Facebook, and Twitter pages. Or better yet, why not pick up a copy via Amazon!

THE COPPOLAS: A MOVIE DYNASTY THE COPPOLAS: A MOVIE DYNASTY Reviewed by David Andrews on September 07, 2021 Rating: 5

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