It was a fairly formulaic program in retrospect. A celebrity guest-star would kill someone at the beginning of the show - Colombo would turn up - trail the guest-star till the end of the show - and then unveil him / her before the end credits roll.
Now why did I like this show if it was so formulaic, huh? As lets face it, the suspense angle was gone from the start - as you knew Colombo would get the crook by the end of it! Well, simple really - I liked the show because of Peter. He had that personable way about him and his character, which was just captivating to watch. You know the type of stuff: complaining about his wife - his dodgy looking car - his scruffy appearance - and the forgetful nature of his being, all of these things making me warm up to Peter - as he reminded me of avuncular figure - looking over me if I ever needed help.
Granted, I know that Peter was not Columbo
Bless you Peter - sorry for writing about you in the past tense mate - it does not sit well with me either. Now you will never be forgotten, you will always be remembered as that doddery police detective whom everybody loves. And people do love you Peter mate - always will - but... just one more thing?
How did you do it? How did you effortlessly make people warm up to you by presenting a common figure on screen? Or was that it? Was you being the common man, what we all wanted to see? And we always will...
Reviewed by David Andrews
June 26, 2011