Now why does Captain America chase Daredevil over the streets of Manhattan , huh? Well, Cap says that it because he wants to arrest ol’ horn-head for his past ‘possessed’ misdemeanours, however, Daredevil thinks otherwise. He thinks that it is something to do with Cap’s partner, Bucky, incarceration, or maybe something to do with Cap’s status as hero ‘head-honcho’. In fact, when Cap comes to think about it himself, he does not really know why he is chasing Daredevil either – and so he lets him go free – for now anyway.
Sometime later, some very important information about the Ahmed Jobranis case is given to Foggy from assistant district attorney, Kirsten, whom in turn passes it on to Matt (Daredevil) Murdock. And what does Daredevil do with it? Initially, he goes to the litigator whom recently turned down Ahmends case, Gene, and finds out that Gene was forced to relinquish this case by unscrupulous means. And subsequently, Daredevil then goes to Jobransis abandoned shop, only to discover a group of sonic beings whom quickly discover him, subdue him, and finally incarnate him, he-he-he!
Within the last month or so, Daredevil seems to be one of the only comic book titles that has put a smile on my face whenever I have picked it up. Honestly, I think that it is something to do with its rather pithy and refreshing take on a comic book yarn, which just really lifts up my spirits more than the norm. OK, I have to admit, this is something to do with the current creative team too. As in my opinion, writer, Mark Waid, and artist, Paolo Rivera, are really going to be on the rise over the next couple of months due to their refreshing cohesion.
And why do I think that? Why does Waid and Rivera tick more boxes than someone with Parkinson’s in a polling station? Well, from my perspective, they have managed to deliver a very simple tale, in a rather clean and nourish tone, whilst at the same time instilling fun into the proceedings. Take this issue for example, it starts off with the conventional hero on hero battle between Cap and Daredevil. However, in this case, the absurdity of this type of confrontation is highlighted within the battle – as from my perspective Cap himself does not really know why he wants to capture this hero. Next, comes the overall structure of the piece – as it is clearly a divided issue, with each section acting as if they were ‘skits’ within a comedy show. And finally, there is the sub-plot that seems to be rearing its head once again – which I have to say is starting to veer off slightly for me, because this new ‘sonic element’ is something that I don’t think melds well with a character like Daredevil.
Overall, this was a great second issue of Daredevil to read – not a good as the first one mind you – but still something that makes me want to slap my butt with the tips of my fingers, and then pray that I don’t pass wind in front of a pretty lady.
Class creative team – nice storyline – and I hope that it keeps up its positive vibe.
Reviewed by David Andrews
September 06, 2011