Batman just loves coming home to Gotham
City . He love it when he has to
fight his way through an Asylum load of Arkham detainees – he loves it when he
discovers how said detainees have broken free in the first place – and he loves
it when the Joker helps him put a lid on this situation once and for all. Yes –
that’s right – I said the Joker – something that Commissioner Gordon quizzes
Batman over whilst Batman gives him the details on this closed case. Still, he
need not have bothered really, because later, back at the Batcave, it is
revealed that the Joker was a disguise used by someone closer to home – guess –
to penetrate Arkham to begin with.
Prudently, on this same evening, Batman suites up into his
alter ego, Bruce Wayne, and with his protégées, Dick, Tim, and Damien, he hosts
a function and gives a speech about Gotham ’s imminent regeneration.
Now Bruce’s caretaker, Alfred, likes this speech, and so too does journalist, Vikki
Vale, and Mayoral Candidate, Lincoln
March, also. However, Commissioner Gordon seemed a bit preoccupied on the phone
to acknowledge Bruce’s words, a fact that leads Bruce to transform back into
Batman one again, and go off to investigate.
So what does Batman discover? Well, with the assistance of
Harvey Bullock at the crime scene, he finds: (1) A dead body pinned to the
wall. (2) A message on the wall that states ‘Bruce Wayne will die tomorrow’.
And (3) That the murderer is someone who is very close to home... to be
Ha! Sorry – I could not help myself – because this first
issue of Batman is just one of those reads that picks you up as soon as you
have finished reading it. The story is good – the art is sublime – and the
overall package is just amazing to behold. Straight off the bat (pun intended),
you are initially presented with what seems like a closing section of an
existing Batman storyline – one entailing an escape of Arkham inmates. Next, in
the intermediary section between the previous segment and the one which will
follow, you are given a twist to this tale – or the ‘Joker stunt’ as I like to
call it. Before finally, in the concluding section of this issue, you are introduced
to three things: (1) The present dynamics of the Bat-Family. (2) The role Wayne
Enterprises will play in this book. And (3) A mystery.
Personally speaking, this ‘Batman’ book is by far the best
of the new 52 I have read so far. OK, if it did have a slight drawback, it
would be that the ages of Dick, Tim, and Damien, seem a bit lop sided in the
scheme of things. Plus, that this issue is a somewhat collation of instances
all in all, and not a self contained tale. Nevertheless, writer, Scott Snyder,
is just a master artisan at storytelling, and he greatly enhances the flow and
the pace of this tale with his narrative. Moreover, the artist, Greg Capullo –
pow – what else can I expect from a one time Spawn regular! His art is crisp – dynamic – moody – and in a strange way reminds
me of Marshal Rogers interpretation of Batman from the seventies, as well as Todd
McFarlanes from the nineties.
Overall, this issue of Batman is a must read for anyone who
loves a Batman tale. So go head, say it loud and say it proud, THE NEW
52 IS HERE!!!!!
Or alternately, mumble something about Scott and Greg, and
just leave it at that, huh?
The best of the new 52 has arrived in Batman 1.
Reviewed by David Andrews
October 13, 2011