Now all Barry Allen wanted to do, was to go to the Central
City Science Fair with his new beau, Patty, and then have a good time. However,
what he got instead was something else entirely. As amidst a conversation that
Barry and Patty are having with science guru, Dr. Elias, this lo-cal is
suddenly attacked by a number of numbered men in armour-plated attire – causing
Barry to turn into the Flash – causing the Flash to stop these fiends from
steeling a genome decoder – and causing one of these chaps to die in the
In the aftermath of this event, journalist, Iris West, wants
to know if the Flash is the culprit of this deed – and tries to ‘pick-up’ Barry
whilst interviewing him. Moreover, Barry wants to know why the man who died was
once his friend, Manuel – a fact that shocks him straight away.
So does Barry try to investigate this matter further back at
the lab? Yes – yes he does. But in so doing, Manuel abruptly turns up alive
when Barry is alone by himself, and then takes him for a little run through
Central City.
Isn’t that nice, huh? Yep – but not as nice as when Barry
shrewdly suits up into his Flash costume, and is then presented with Manuel’s a
To be continued...
Now this is the comic book that I was really interested in
reading post ‘Flashpoint’. However, not only was this because of the new
creative team and re-jigged costume (which is slightly OK, if I ignore all of
those silly lines glaring all over the place), but because I wanted to know if
this DCnU Flash would allude to the un-DCnU Flash (if you get my gist). And did
this issue answer my question. No – not at all. Instead, it gave me a whole new
set of other questions to ask.
Question 1) Why does this new creative team feel like the
old creative team? Because, in essence, the art by Brian Buccellato is very reminiscent
of the art by Francis Manapul. And the same can be said about Francis Manapul’s
words compared to Geoff John’s words. Still, this isn’t a bad thing in my eyes
– just a peculiar one.
Question 2) Why is Patty in and Iris out? Also, why nix
Barry’s old marriage to Iris in the first place? Now, to me, I did not see the
reason why Barry and Iris’s past relationship should diminish in the DCnU, because
the DCnOLD one did not really get the chance to explore this facet of Barry all
that much to begin with.
Question 3) Did I like this Flash comic book? Well, apart
from the distracting speed lines on the Flash’s costume, as well as the
pointless chin-guard, I thought that this new Flash series was very similar to
the old one in style, tone, and execution. Granted, the major change in this
book is in the Barry / Iris relationship – but time will tell if this will last
or not. Also, I did not mind this introductory issue – as it began a story that
has a silver age flair to it that I just love.
Now are there any more questions on my behalf? Yeah – most
probably – but for the moment, I will just wait and see how this series
unravels. Because, you never know, it may give us a surprise or two in the
future (i.e. Where’s Wally?).
Nice issue – same as the old issues – but nice all the
Reviewed by David Andrews
October 06, 2011