So what’s the story morning glory?
This second instalment of ‘Justice League’ is a continuation
of lasts issue cliffhanger, where Batman and Green Lantern were having a
confrontation with Superman.
Now, uncharacteristically, Superman is more relentless in
this battle than usual, and he only seems to calm down when: (1) The Flash
arrives to delay him. (2) Batman talks to him about the ‘cosmic box’ that they
both have knowledge of. And (3) The police arrive, prompting this quartet to
escape into a underground bunker.
Meanwhile, in Star Labs, Victor Stone is having ab argument
with his Dad, whist he is experimenting on an identical ‘cosmic box’ than ‘the
League’ has.
But suddenly, both of these ‘comic box’s’ burst into life –
and the League find themselves facing a hoard of Darkseids minions – and Victor
finds himself on flames.
What is the most
memorable sentence spoken in this issue?
When Green Lantern says to the Flash “I say we ditch Black
and Blue [Referring to Batman and Superman respectively], and figure this out
for ourselves. Batman is a pain in the ass, and Superman does not know what
this us [notably, the ‘cosmic box’]”.
Was the story any
This was not a bad issue of Justice League. For a start, it
continued from where the previous one left off. Then, it evolved both the ‘Leagues’
and ‘Victors’ plot threads a touch in the right direction. And on top of that,
it introduced to the ‘team’, everyone’s second favourite fastest man alive, the
Flash (bless you Wally). Granted, it was
not a fully evolved issue as a story goes, and the ‘Darkseid’ teaser should
tease no more. But it was enjoyable none the less, as it had a nice and light
tone to it.
Well – its Jim Lee – what can I say that is bad about Jim
Lee? Err – that he is a git, ha! Just kidding. Actually, his artwork on this
issue – like the previous issue – is very cinematic in tone and content.
Moreover, his line work is quite detailed, and his landscapes are better than
his kinetic scenes – too flat in comparison.
What is the best
thing about this issue?
Now I have to admit, that I do enjoy the evolving and fresh
take on the ‘origin’ of the Justice League. Well, it is nice to see these guys
meet for the first time – again – as well as how they seem to be interacting on
an awkward and un-personable level. On top of that, Jim Lee’s Batman is a blast
– he looks like a guy who can stand up to people with powers – no holds bard.
Also, I enjoyed the notion that these heroes are ‘wanted’ by the authorities,
and that somehow they will manage to prove their worth (Darkseid anyone?).
What is the worst
thing about this issue?
Superman’s costume sucks! He looks like he is wearing his Granddad’s
pyjamas. And in addition to this, Superman’s character is kind of confusing too
– because his relentless attack does seem ‘out of character’ in the scheme of
Now why is that I wonder? Am I missing something here
because I do not read Superman's solo exploits? Or is there some part of the story
that has not been explained yet?
If you know – spam me.
If you could sum up
this issue in a phrase or saying, what would that phrase or saying be?
“Get on with it!”
If this issue were a
movie, an object, or a piece of music, what would that be and why?
I like to think of this issue as a nice slice of Cheesecake
– its pleasant to eat – it has a bitter after-taste – and it leaves you wanting
What do you think
would have made this issue better than it was?
More – more – more – and this is only were the story is
concerned. The splash pages – even though nice to watch – do dilute ‘story time’, and
makes the whole experience more superficial than rewarding.
Final thoughts...
Overall, this was a nice installment of the Justice League.
The art was great – the story, even though fleeting, did progress slightly –
the interaction was very enjoyable – and the complete package is well polished too.
Kudos Lee and Jones – not bad at all.
Marks out of 10? 8
Reviewed by David Andrews
November 01, 2011