So what’s the story morning glory?
In ‘Lights Out’, we see what happens in the aftermath of an EMP
device being detonated over skies of the ‘Gem Cities’, Central and Keystone,
last issue.
Now overall, this is a fractured tale, where: (1) The Flash
saves an aeroplane from crashing. (2) Captain Cold threatens Iris West, whilst the
inmates of Iron Height’s penitentiary, take advantage of this turn of
events and run riot. (3) Scientist, Darwin Elias, is captured by Axel the Trickster
and a some masked cronies, during his investigations of the EMP
blast. And (4) Manuel recollects how he
was approached by the military, and then transformed in the being that he is
Moreover, in the latter section of this tale (which takes
place on the following day), Barry and Patty go off together, to try to find
Dr. Manuel Guerrero (Barry’s reproducing pal) so that he can shed some light
into what is going on. However, just before they get their hands on a hand-less
Manuel, his doppelgangers show up, and one of them shoots Barry.
What is the most
memorable sentence spoken in this issue?
Well, for me, it is within this issues cliffhanger, when
Barry muses to himself ‘I got this, piece of cake’ before he gets shot in the
Ouch! That must of hurt.
Was the story any
Err – you know that ‘good’ is a relative term, don’t you?
Listen, I have to confess, that I did feel that this issue was
a somewhat jarring thing to read overall. It started in one place, and then it
drifted to another then another, before finally it found its footing again by
the end of the book. Moreover, as a self-contained story goes, this adventure did come
across as a collection of incidents cobbled together, and only really unified
due to their relation to the EMP device
exploding last issue.
Still, it wasn’t that bad a read – just not a very good one.
Personally speaking, I find that Francis Manapul and Brian
Bucceellato work better together as artists, than they do with the written
word. I did enjoy the opening sequence quite a lot, though, because it had that Frank
Miller come Daredevil vibe in pace and in tone. Also, in addition to this,
their rendering of a bleak Central City, did prop up the ambience of this story
What is the best
thing about this issue?
I liked the first section and the last section of this comic
book. The first, because of the homage and the style – and the last, because of
the abrupt and brutal nature that it was executed in.
BANG! Nice.
What is the worst
thing about this issue?
As I mentioned previously, I was not too keen on the
flimflamly nature of this issue – it just wasn’t my cup of tea. Plus, on top of
that, the ‘desolate’ tone that the ‘Gem Cities’ faced once the EMP
was set off, did come across as a mite sudden in pace, and was not really illustrated
in an incremental manner – which would have added to this pieces development.
If you could sum up
this issue in a phrase or saying, what would that phrase or saying be?
Hmmmm! Let me think of something appropriate. Oh! I know!
This issue of the Flash, feels like a – ‘Flash in the pan’ – pithy, yet groan
worthy – snap.
If this issue were a
movie, an object, or a piece of music, what would that be and why?
There is a song by old school British comedy singer, George Formby, which is light, fast, desolate in retrospect, and, at times, jarring to
the ear – just like this issue.
The song is called ‘Leaning on a lamppost’ – here – judge
for yourself.
What do you think
would have made this issue better than it was?
I would have liked a much more linier story overall – a more
focused plot conceptually – and a depth that this comic book does not seem to possess
at the moment. Please note, I do not mean this as any disrespect to the current
creative team – because I am sure that they will both be able to elevate their
writing skills on the same level as their artistic ones.
Final thoughts...
Presently, this Flash story arc is about something that the
Flash fans do not really want to know about – thus making it a somewhat
bi-polar reading experience in my mind.
We want answers not stories. Where is Wally? What of
Flashpoint? Why was the Iris / Barry marriage ka-put?
These are questions that this arc does not give us. Instead, it gives us a headache.
These are questions that this arc does not give us. Instead, it gives us a headache.
Medication please!!!!
Marks out of 10? 7
Reviewed by David Andrews
December 02, 2011