So what’s the story morning glory?
In part five of 'The Dark Side', we are presented with three very pertinent questions relating to this secret Stormwatch team.
Question One - Who will be the next leader of Stormwatch,
after a member of the Shadow Cabinet suddenly arrives and kills its current
leader, Adam One?
Well, as none of them can make this decision at the moment,
it looks like it's down to this shadowy git to figure it out for himself. Could
it be Jenny? No - too young. So what about the Engineer then? No - he knows her
too well. OK, so what about Martian Manhunter? Nope - he's too elusive. Harry
Tanner or Jack Hawksmoore? No - afraid not - not powerful enough.
Its the Projectionist - to her and the teams chagrin.
Question Two - Wait a minute! What about Apollo and
Now these two reluctant team members break away from this
leadership quandary, only to then explore Stormwatch HQ, as well as each other.
And do you know what? They do find out that they have quite a
lot in common you know!
Question Three - What the f*ck does Harry Tanner think he's
doing, as soon as the member of the Shadow Cabinet leave's Stormwatch
OK, so Larry says to the team that he going to look for
Midnighter and Apollo, but instead, he steals records from their files, and then
sets a bomb to blow this floating station asunder. Granted, Midnighter does
confront him about this, and tries to put an end to Larry's ploy. However, just
as soon as Larry captures the Projectionist and makes his escape - BOOOOM!
To be continued...
What is the most
memorable sentence spoken in this issue?
Personally speaking, there is one sentence in this book that
put a chill up my spine as soon as it was uttered. It's when the Engineer said
'Oh, hey, wait - I never took that book back to Catford Public library'.
And do you know why that is? Yes - I am from Catford! Damn
you Paul Cornell, are you following me? Ha!
Was the story any
Now I thought that the last issue of Stormwatch was good,
but no, this one kicks it to death with a pointed stick and a glint in its eye.
Honestly, I really enjoyed the way how this issue presented
so many questions and answers, that I wanted to hear more. Moreover, I did like
the beginning and the end of this story as well - it started with a question -
and it ended with a bang.
Class - and I am sure that this is not the end.
Aesthetically, the majority of this story was talking heads,
right? Nevertheless, artist extraordinaire, Miguel Sepulveda, really did pull
out all the stops with his panoramic and cinematic layouts, both of which
really did aide with the telling of the tale. Plus, in addition to this,
watching Midnighter and Larry fight it out was a right blast - pow - thus
giving this issue that added action segment to take away from the lofty
What is the best
thing about this issue?
I liked how this story began with a, POW! It was as if writer,
Paul Cornell, had an agenda in mind, and said 'Lets not piss about with
explaining why Adam has to go - lets just kill him off and just get on with the
story'. And do you know what? In my opinion that was the best approach to take
- because it just got straight to the nitty-gritty, and stated who should be the
next Stormwatch leader, and why the others shouldn't.
What is the worst
thing about this issue?
I am afraid to say that the middle section between Apollo
and Midnight just did not work for me.
It was as though this scene was only included in this issue, as if to break up
the introduction of this tale to the resolution to this tale.
Fair enough, we did get to see a bit more of the DCnU's
Midnighter and Apollo - plus a couple of teasers as well - but that was about it
If you could sum up
this issue in a phrase or saying, what would that phrase or saying be?
That Wartime soldier 'recruitment poster' said it best I
think 'I want you for the U.S. Army' - just replace 'U.S. Army' with
'Stormwatch' and we have a match.
If this issue were a
movie, an object, or a piece of music, what would that be and why?
This is a simple question to answer if you think about it.
You need something that is dynamic, vibrant, has a slight love angle to it, and asks the question - who will lead?
Therefore, in my own estimation, the pop song by the Shangri-Las 'Leader Of The Pack' would suffice, right?
What do you think
would have made this issue better than it was?
OK, so my only gripe with this issue is the Apollo and
Midnighter section, correct? Well, what if those two got into an argument about
Midnighters 'new look', and then travelled back to earth and started to alter
the appearance of Jim Lee, Geoff Jones, and Dan Dididididiido? That would be
very DCnU, ha!
Final thoughts...
Like you, I am sure that the Stormwatch team has not gone
up in smoke due to Larry's bomb. Though, I would like to know how this team
bands together next issue, plus what their new dynamic would be.
Also, I am intrigued about Martian Manhunters 'secret' as
well - as he not the only Martian, huh? I can see a story in the works!
Marks out of 10? 9
Reviewed by David Andrews
January 17, 2012