So what’s the STORY
morning glory?
In this instalment of the Flash, the fasted man alive does
whatever he can to save the Gem City 's
from going to hell in a hand-basket.
For a start, the Flash transports a train into Central City,
so that the inhabitants can escape the City in safety. Next, he zooms over to 'Iron
Heights ' penitentiary, and saves
Iris West and the prison guards from a riot that is ensue. And finally, he
attempts to free his old pal, Manuel Lago, and scientist, Dr. Elias, from the
clutches of Mob Rule.
However, I am afraid to say that this last escapade does not
really go according to plan. You see, flash interrupts am electromagnetic experiment
currently in motion, which inadvertently causes the following two dilemmas. (1)
Mob Rule seemingly perishes, and makes way for an angry Manuel to flee his
confinement. (2) Dr Elias explains to the Flash that he was the person whom
causes the black-out to begin with. The solution - kill the Speed Force.
To be continued, right?
What is the most
memorable SENTENCE OR CONVERSATION spoken in this issue?
OK, I have to admit, I am a sucker for a shock ending - most
FLASH: Are you saying that my powers are tearing away at the
very fabric of space and time?
DR ELIAS: Every time you run, you risk bringing us closer to
oblivion. I am sorry to say this Flash... we've got to destroy the Speed Force.
Now if this was a soap-opera, I am sure that this would be the
queue for a dramatic score. BA-DANG!
I liked the simple execution of this tale overall. No little
tricks - no long-winded explanations - just the Flash running like a banana to
save his town. Also, the dramatic twist at the end was a nice surprise to boot,
huh? What next I wonder.
What was the WORST
thing about this issue?
Tonally, there was something not quite right with this
issue. Now I can not really put my finger on what that something actually was at
the moment. But I do know that it has something to do with the lack of
character that this liner tale brings along with it. A pedestrian favor as it
What was the most
CREATIVE thing about this issue?
STORY: In my opinion, the twist at the end of this story is
the main creative feature this tale has. Granted, the story was fairly nice in
the reading. But if it was not for the whole 'Speed Force' fighting 'Time'
angle that Dr Elias pitched in at the end... err... de-nadda-loco.
ART: By in large I do not mind the artistic efforts plied
upon the Flash. However, in places, I do find that the inking and the art-style
somewhat inconsistent. Sometimes the shading is heavy and flat, whereas at
other times, it is diluted and sparse. Moreover, I am reminded of the age old
artistic proverb - Red and Green should never be seen.
If you had to CAST TWO CHARACTERS in this comic book, who would they be and why?
MANUEL LAGO: Doesn't this double-isous crack pot look like Santiago Cabrera to you? The actor who played Isaac Mendez in season one of Heroes.
DR ELIAS: This quack scientist would be great if he was played by someone like the current Doctor Who, Matt Smith, because they both have that 'I know what I am taking about' attitude about them. Plus bad hair.
MANUEL LAGO: Doesn't this double-isous crack pot look like Santiago Cabrera to you? The actor who played Isaac Mendez in season one of Heroes.
DR ELIAS: This quack scientist would be great if he was played by someone like the current Doctor Who, Matt Smith, because they both have that 'I know what I am taking about' attitude about them. Plus bad hair.
Many hands don't make for light work, unless it is done in a
If this issue were a MOVIE, an OBJECT, or a piece of MUSIC, what would that be and why?
Conceptually, this issue felt like a bridging story between
the current one and whatever is going to happen next. So with that in mind, I
would have to say 'Back to the Future Part II'.
Well, time is involved with them both, right?
FINAL thoughts...
Now I know that I have been somewhat critical with my views
on this issue, but I have to admit that it was a fairly decent read through out.
Still, in the future I would like to see some more personality thrown into the
mix, plus some clarification on back-story and status.
You guys and girls know what I mean, right?
MARKS out of 10? 8
Reviewed by David Andrews
February 10, 2012