Star Trek
Yep. it's true. But I am afraid to say that it has taken James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) most of his adolescent life before he decided to follow in his fathers footsteps, and enroll himself into the
Still, thanks to his pal, Bones (Karl Urban), Kirk manages
to wrangle himself onto the Enterprise .
Plus, in addition to this, he is also able to inform the current Captain, Pike
(Bruce Greenwood), that this impending mission is not what it appears to be.
Well, supposedly, there is an astral space cloud in space
that is affecting the solar system. Whereas, in actuality, it is a Romulan ploy
- heralded by Commander Nero (Eric Bana) - that involves this malevolent race
attempting to blow up Spock's home planet of Vulcan.
Now Nero confirms this to the crew of the Enterprise
by speaking to them via a visual link. But what is the crew of the Enterprise
going about it in turn, huh?
For a start, Pike agrees to speak to Nero on his home ground, so
that he can resolve this matter face to face - oops - bad idea - because regrettably this does
not really work out too well for him. Next, Kirk and Sulu (John Cho) zip off to Vulan,
and then try to stop a Romulan induced black hole from being deployed onto Vulcan soil - oops again - because this does really work out to well for them either. And so finally, Spock goes to Vulcan
not so long after, and attempts to save some of it historical inhabitants from
turning into sushi - oops warp factor three - because although his endeavor partly works, his mother (Winona Ryder)
Heavens to Betsy!
Obviously, Spock is very disturbed by this tragic turn of events.
And that is why when Kirk queries his judgement about what the Enterprise should do next, Spock then does a very
silly thing - he beam's Kirk onto a icy planet - full of monsters, ice, and all
of that type of thing.
But do you know what? It's a good job that he does this you
know! Because on this icy wasteland, Kirk meets' Spock. No - not 'our' Spock -
Future-Spock (Leonard Nimoy) - who tells him about his own origins, as well as
how Nero is intertwined with him as well. Moreover, Kirk also meets someone else too, Scotty (Simon
Pegg) - who is able to warp them both back to the Enterprise
and then have a crack at saving the day.
I suppose that is why what next transpires if a right pain in the Warp Factor 5 I can tell you. As emotions lead to a new captaincy - resolutions results in more efficiency - and after a battle is fought, and the day is done, a new dawn arises for the crew flying in a cosmic fallacy.
I suppose that is why what next transpires if a right pain in the Warp Factor 5 I can tell you. As emotions lead to a new captaincy - resolutions results in more efficiency - and after a battle is fought, and the day is done, a new dawn arises for the crew flying in a cosmic fallacy.
Live long and prosper film franchise.
Now I have to admit, that I really did enjoy watching this
new 'Star Trek' film. Well, it's one of those movies' that is pure pop-corn
fodder - because you can sit back, relax, and just adore at whatever is
presented on screen without a care in the world. Granted, I did have a couple
of niggles about this sci-fi reboot here and there - such as Winona Ryder
looking to young to play Spock's Mum, some of the sci-fi gibberish being a bit
muddled at times, and I would have loved to have seen William Shatner in this
film as well. But by in large this is one great movie - with great actors,
great special effects, and a script that really tick's off a lot of boxes for
both Trekkies and film goers alike.
For example, in a 'play it by the numbers' kind of a way,
each member of the Enterprise was
given a time to shine in certain scenes, and were allowed to show who their
characters were meant to be. John Cho with his oriental charm. Karl Urban with
his roguish girth. Zoe Saldana with her grace and beauty. Simon Pegg with his
comedic savvy. Eric Bana with his villainy. And Anton Yelchin with is funny
Russian accent.
Moreover, I have to give kudos to Chris Pine and Zachary
Quinto as well - because both of them really did justice to Kirk and Spock
respectively, by making what was once old new again.
Oh! And while I am on the subject of making something old
new - Leonard Nimoy - bless him. What a fine job he did by bringing with him the
mythology of the television series, and then presenting a Spock that in some
way is derivative of what he has done before. Honestly, Leonard's presence
alone made me smile - it's as though that just by him turning up, he has
stamped his approval on what is already a great film.
OK, I know that I could now go on and explain what things floated by
boat - such as the Kirks adventurous manner - Spock's icy glare - and Scotty's
silly accent. But I won't. Instead I will finish my review with a parable of my
Now as most of you may know, I am not really that 'hip' on
revamps myself. I just find them distasteful in some way, as if they're somehow disrespecting what has come before it. However, one night, I watched an
old interview involving an idol of mine, John Cleese. In this interview, John
quite clearly stated that nothing was original - and that if you know where to
look - and how to look - you can find something paying homage to something
else, no matter how people like to say otherwise. The Pythons owed their comedy
to the Goons - the Goons owed their comedy to Chaplin - and Chaplin owed his
comedy to the vaudeville of old - etc... etc... etc...
So what I am trying to say, in a round about way, is that
innovation has always been a slice of life, and that you should always think of
'revamps' as a stepping stone to whatever is going to come up next.
Remember, one generations 'Spice Girls', is another
generations 'Supremes'.
And 'Star Trek' is a supremely good film. A class act in
Reviewed by David Andrews
March 28, 2012