So what’s the STORY morning glory?
This issue of Nightwing, entitled 'Turning Points' is a
right... errr... 'turning point' issue, I can tell you. Well, it's just packed
to the brim with questions and answers!
QUESTION: Why does the villain, Saiko, want to kill
Nightwing and all the people attending his parent's memorial show at the
circus? ANSWER: According to 'Dick's' one time pal, 'Raymond', this is because
a secret society nabbed him for some arduous project, instead of the orphaned
QUESTION: Can Nightwing save the people in the circus whilst
fighting Saiko? Especially since they are all encased inside, and that the fire
is getting worse by the minute? ANSWER: Yes, with a little bit of reluctant
help from the pretty turn-coat, Raya, plus some forward thinking, he finds the
a way to save the day - in a manner of speaking.
QUESTION: What is this secret society that Saiko was
referring to? ANSWER: Saiko won't tell Dick because he has taken a nose dive.
Raya can't either because she is banged up. So it's up to Batman to forcibly
explain to Dick, that this 'secret society' is in fact 'The Court of Owls', whom are a
bunch of historical movers and shakers, that the Dark Knight has been recently fighting.
Moreover, Dick's relatives are amongst their pantheon.
What is the most
memorable SENTENCE OR CONVERSATION spoken in this issue?
I generally liked reading most of Dick's running monologue
all in all. Plus Bruce's conversation with him was very 'dramatic 'as well. So for me, when Bruce said to Dick "His name is Cobb. William Cobb. And he is
your Great Grandfather", my heart did a mambo straight away. Not because
of the content, but because of the connotation.
Nice twist, right?
The whole Dick / Court of Owl connection was a real treat in
my eyes, honestly. I did not see this one coming at all, and I almost forgot
about that plot point relating to Dick's DNA being found on a victim in 'Batman #1'
and 'Nightwing #1'. Well, it was explained away so well at the time, that I kind of
just dismissed this notion completely. Come on, lets face it, who could have
guessed? Not me. Also, this aspect was so well explained in this issue, that it
hardly came across as 'coincidence' case-wise.
What was the WORST
thing about this issue?
There were three things about this story that did not really
play out that well for me I am afraid to say. Such as: (1) Bruce hitting Dick -
why? No point trying to tell something to someone, and then giving the
recipient a slap for the sake of it. (2) Raya suddenly turning against Saiko
within a couple of panels, as if she just came to the realization that she was
doing 'the wrong thing', needed more subtext as a plot point - it played out
too pat. And (3) Saiko dieing 'off panel'? No. Don't buy it myself. We'll see
him again I am sure.
What was the most
CREATIVE thing about this issue?
STORY: I do not want to repeat myself about the Dick / Court
of Owl connection, so including that, creatively, I did like the way that the
circus was built upon a sand catacomb, and how Dick planned this fact ahead of
time to deal with a possible contingency.
ART: Artist, Kyle Higgins, keeps on getting better and
better by the issue. For example, in this one, I liked his bold and kinetic action
scenes, because they had a very lively and bold dynamic to them. The one thing
artistically that I was not keen on though, was Dick's blood stained lip when
Bruce gave him a slap. Too overt.
WILLIAM COBB: OK, so for this catatonic assassin, you need
someone who has long hair, looks younger than he is, and can stand still for a
very long time. What about Arnold Schwarzenegger in a wig? He's better when
he's doing nothing.
NIGHTWING: Ohhhhh! I wanted to avoid this one you know, Dick
Grayson. He has always been one of my most favorite heroes, and I do
not want to choose someone who will one day be a sap. But then again I can
always choose another actor later, huh? So who doesn't look like a sap? A
younger Jason Lee maybe? Bless him.
If this issue had a
MOVIE TAG LINE, what would it be?
Never Go To The Circus When A Secret Society Is In Town?
Why? It's A Secret.
If this issue were a MOVIE,
an OBJECT, or a piece of MUSIC, what would that be and why?
Simple. This comic is nice to look at. Has a revealing way
about it. And is just a joy to behold. This comic book is 'Jerry Springer: the Opera
FINAL thoughts...
OK, so the groundwork has been set for Dick to go back to Gotham
City , and now have a fist fight
with a member of the 'Court of Owls'. I just hope that this isn't all that there
is to next issue though, a fight. I hope that some more associative history
comes along for the ride as well.
Come on Dick - it's payback time!
MARKS out of 10? 9
Reviewed by David Andrews
April 02, 2012