Green Lantern
Roguish test-pilot, Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds), has found
himself in a rather situation type situation at the moment. No. Don't fret. It does not have anything to do with him crashing a governmental airplane on
its maiden flight. Although his boss, Carrol Ferris (Blake Lively), plus his
family, isn't that pleased about this dramatic incident. Instead, Hal is given
a powerful green ring by a dieing purple alien called Abin Sur (Temuera
Pretty strange turn of events, I am sure that you'll agree.
Well, that is what scientist, Hector Hammond (Peter Sarsgaard) thinks, anyway,
when he is called in by the government to inspect Abin's dead body. So too for
that matter does Abin's college in the intergalactic 'Green Lantern Corps',
Thal Sinestro (Mark Strong), when he addresses his superiors, the immortal
Guardians, whilst explaining to them how Abin was killed by a 'fear entity'
called Parallax.
But what about Hal, huh? What does he make of these alien
proceedings? Err - simply put - confused.
In fact, Hal is so confused by this turn of event's, he
tells 'the Corps' to f*ck off, before flying back to Earth again, to get on with his
Meanwhile, during this time, the scientist, Hector Hammond,
goes through an evolution as well. You see, whilst he is inspecting Abin's dead
body, the fear entity which killed Abin, Parallax, infects him as well.
Granted, Hector does not really realize this has happened to him, until he starts
inadvertently reading people's minds. Moreover, when he also attempt's to kill
his overbearing Dad, Hammond (Tim Robbins), when he, Hal, and Carol, are all at
a launch party together.
Oh! But don't you worry though; Hal does the right thing and
powers-up to save the day. Just like he does when he comes to the realization that
Parallax has its grips on Hector, prompting him to set the stage for a
confrontation to end all confrontations...
... fear verses will.
... fear verses will.
Well, I suppose that is why what next transpires is a right
emotional affair all in all. As the public cheer - heroes know fear - airplanes
step up a gear - and aliens come over a bit queer.
OK, so this is the film which most of my readers have asked
me to review for quite some now, 'Green Lantern'. And do you know what? Now
that I have actually sat down and taken the time to see what's what with this
flick, I can point my finger on what all that hullabaloo was about, concerning
its fall from grace - this movie tries to do too many things.
You see, in essence, there is so much going on with this
comic book franchise film, that it has actually forgotten to tell a story.
Moreover, what it has also failed to neglect, is that this film needs to have
some personality as well - something more than just introduce / set-up / deploy / and see you again for the probable sequel.
And why has it forgotten to do that? Well, as I said
previously, it tries so hard to juggle so many elements within the overall pretext, it
has not given each segment that much time to gestate and grow within the
overall narrative. Is it a love story? Is it an origin story? It is about Parallax?
Is it a space opera? Is it about Hal? It is about the Green Lantern Corps? Or
is it about the price of chicken?
Personally speaking, I think that it is about all of these
things - including the chicken - which is why it has fallen on its ass in the
box office, with no fault what do ever attributed to either the actors or the
special effects involved.
Here, check out some of these filmic facts to figure out
why: (1) This film went through many-many changes during it's ten year
pre-production phase. Greg Berlantini, Kevin Smith, Quentin Tarantino, and Zack
Snyder, were all considered to direct this movie. Sam
Worthington, Bradley Cooper, Justin Timberlake, Jared Leto, and Chris
Pine, were all considered for the role of Hal Jordan . Keri Russell, Eva Green, Jennifer Garner, and Diane
Kruger, were all considered to play Carol Ferris. Hugo
Weaving, Jackie Earle Haley, and Geoffrey Rush, were
considered to for the role of Sinestro. Plus Eddie Murphy was considered
to play John Stewart as well. (2) At one-point,
script wise, Superman was going to make a cameo in this movie. (3) In
2006, screenwriter, Robert Smigel, completed a Green Lantern comedy-adventure,
which was to star Jack Black and a villain that wanted to eat people. The
producers and the fans did not like this idea though. (4) An early draft of the
script contained a cameo by Alan Scott, the first Green Lantern, and Hal's
predecessor, whose powers were magical rather than cosmic. Scott was going to
be the United States President, and near the end of the film, he would reveal
his own past as a Green Lantern to Hal. And (5) Originally, the main villain
was going to be the Legion, an alien robot possessing the collective minds of
an alien insectoid-race.
Oh! While I am on a trivia splurge, I might as well give you
some comic book facts about 'Green Lantern' also, huh? (1) In the original
comic books, Carol Ferris became the Star Sapphire, an anti-heroine with
similar abilities to the Green Lantern, and a soldier of the Star Sapphire
Corps. (2) Most of the original sixties comic book characters in this series
were based on actors of that era. Hal Jordan
was based on Paul Newman. Carol Ferris was based on Elizabeth Taylor. Sinestro
was based on David Niven. And Hector Hammond was based on Burl Ives. Whereas
the Guardians were based on the Israeli Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion. (3)
In the comic books, there have been six people who held [still hold] the title
of the Green Lantern. Alan Scott from 1940. Hal Jordan
from 1959. Guy Gardner from 1968. John Stewart from 1971. Kyle Rayner from
1994. And Alan Scott's daughter, Jennifer-Lynn Hayden, from 2002. (4) This film was supposed to be a
composite of numerous Green Lantern stories, such as 'Emerald Dawn', 'Green
Lantern: Secret Origin', plus the works of Denny O'Neil, Neal Adams, and Dave
Gibbons, in their GL comic book run. And (5) Hector Hammond shares his origins
with Flash nemesis, Gorilla Grodd, not Parallax, due to a powerful meteor
imbuing them both with powers.
Listen, I know that I could go on and on, giving you more pieces
of green gold about Hal and the gang, but I feel that this movie is in dire
need of a bit more critiquing. Or does it? Well, come on, what I have presented
so far tells you all you really need to know about 'Green Lantern' really. Its
special-effects were just fine. The actors did their best with what they had to
work with. And the story wanted to be a duel story-line between Hal, Hammond ,
Carol, the Corps, Parallax, and a piece of chicken, crispy fried.
OK, so this film is no 'Dark Knight', but rather a light version 'Batman Returns' with a dash of cosmic splendor in it. So what? No one has died, except for maybe my hope that this film was going to be good.
OK, so this film is no 'Dark Knight', but rather a light version 'Batman Returns' with a dash of cosmic splendor in it. So what? No one has died, except for maybe my hope that this film was going to be good.
I just hope that the audience and the producers will give a
green light to a sequel is all. So it can redeem itself. What do you think Hal?
Fair enough.
Reviewed by David Andrews
June 01, 2012