Zack and Miri Make a Porno
Pennsylvanian housemates, Zack and Miri (Seth Rogen and Elizabeth
Banks), are currently in a right mess. Zack hates his job working in a
coffee-shop. Miri gets her ass shown all over the internet. And collectively,
they haven't got a pot to piss in - financially speaking of course.
However, after an eventful school reunion, where Miri
attempts to hit on one of her old school friends, who look's like a gay
version of Superman, Bobby Long (Brandon Routh), Zack comes up with a solution
to their fiscal problem. No - it isn't anything to do with selling drugs' to
Ben Affleck. Instead, Zack explains to Miri that they should make a porno
Yes. That's right. I said 'porno'. Crazy idea, huh? Hmm.
Maybe? But still, it is an idea that they then attempt to put in motion.
For a start, Zack manages to persuades two of his pals', Delaney
and Deacon (Craig Robinson and Jeff Anderson), to aide him financially and
professionally with this venture. Next, they rent out an old disused garage, so
that they can record their movie in it. After that, they hold a number of
casting sessions, and hire a team of pretty-people, to co-star in this
production with them, Lester, Bubbles, Stacey, and Barry (Jason Mewes, Traci
Lords, Katie Morgan and Ricky Mabe). And finally, both Zack and Miri decide on
a theme for this porn-opus, "Star-Whores", just in time for lights,
camera, and action.
Boy-oh-boy! Isn't this exciting? Especially since Zack and
Miri have never f*cked each other before!
No - not really.
You see, on the first day of shooting, their 'recording studio' turns to rubble. Plus in addition to this, these two housemates start to see each other in a very different light.
No - not really.
You see, on the first day of shooting, their 'recording studio' turns to rubble. Plus in addition to this, these two housemates start to see each other in a very different light.
Nevertheless, through divine inspiration, Zack suddenly
comes to the realisation that he can now use his place of work, the coffee
house, to make this porno in. Moreover, once the camera begins rolling, all
seems to go according to plan too. Err, that is until love and lust gets
confused within the sight of tit's and ass.
Still, that is most probably why what next transpires is a
right pain in the porn I can tell you. As friend's f*ck - parties suck - lovers
drift - and reunions come with a special gift.
Dutch runner, anyone?
In a very strange way, 'Zack and Miri Make a Porno', feels
like one of the most personal stories ever created by writer / director, Kevin
Smith. You see, being a big Kevin Smith fan, as I am, I could tell in certain places
where pieces of his personal life has spilled out into this film. For example:
(1) He recorded his first movie, Clerks [click here for the review], in a place
where he worked. (2) He feels that his wife, Jen, is one of his closest
friends. (3) His buddy, Jason Mews, did cameo in a porno in the past. (4) He
likes to keep a stock company of friends and pals around him on his projects.
And (5) He has a beard.
OK, I know that I could present to you a bit more trivia
relating to this flick, and how it is associated with Kevin's past. But you
don't want that, right? Instead, you want some more film based trivia: (1)
Allegedly, this film was approved by 'The Weinstein Company' solely on the
title alone. (2) Kevin originally devised this project to be shot in Minnesota ,
where he shot 'Mallrats'. But because of financial reasons, he decided to shoot
it in Pittsburgh instead, where he
shot 'Dogma'.
(3) Writer / Director, Kevin Smith, wrote the role of Zack with Seth Rogen in
mind, and he would not have made it if Seth didn't come on board. (4) The movie
had to be edited twice due to its install 'NC-17' rating. On appeal, the final
cut ultimately received an 'R' rating. (5) The part of Miri was originally
written for Rosario Dawson in mind. Regrettably, though, she had to decline
this offer because she was cast in the Steven Spielberg film, 'Eagle Eye'. (6) In real life, Seth is ten years younger than Elizabeth
Banks. (7) In the movie, Zach suggests to the gang that
they should make a porn version of 'Star Trek'. In real life, co-star, Katie
Morgan, did, in 'Sex Trek - Where No Man Has Cum B4'. (8) F*ck was said 229 times in this
flick. And (9) In nigh on all of Kevin's films, their is always at least
one 'Star Wars' related reference made. This one was the best though.
Well, now that I have board you senseless with both facts
and trivia, how do you think I feel about 'Zack and Miri Make a Porno', huh?
Confused? Discussed? Ashamed? Kinky? No - no - no - and... errr, yes, kind of.
Please note, in my most humble opinion, this is one of the
best films that Kevin has ever made, and is up their with both the 'Clerk' movies (click here for review),
'Dogma', and 'Chasing Amy'. Honestly, the story is so well written, that it
lends itself to pathos, comedy, and one of the best alternate rom-com's I have
ever seen. Also, I have to say that the entire cast are at the top of their
game as well, and make this flick into a very nice slice of cinema. Jay is his
ever adorable self. Seth and Elizabeth do make the love story work. Craig is
the key that turns the lock. Plus Traci, Katie, Ricky, Jeff, Brandon, and
Justin, are all supporting players that really supported this flick.
Heck, the only flaw that I can find with this movie, was
that strange three month segway that popped up out of the blue near the end of
it - as that was kind of drastic as a lead up to a resolution, huh? Oh! And I
would have liked Kevin to be in this film too - even if it was just a slight
cameo or something.
Still, overall, this movie was a class Kevin Smith related
instalment to his pantheon of films, and is one of his most funniest,
personal, and touching ones thereof. So what do you say to that gang?
OK, f*ck you then!
Reviewed by David Andrews
June 18, 2012