Plan 9 From Outer Space
Poor Jeff Trent (Gregory Walcott). If it wasn't bad enough
that his wife, Paula Trent (Mona McKinnon), can't act. Worst still, is that this
square-jawed pilot goes completely bonkers, when he spots a UFO in the sky whilst
flying his aircraft.
Oh! Wait up! I almost forgot to mention something. Jeff's none
too pleased when he hears the news that some dead-people are on the rampage at the local
cemetery either.
Yeah. Dead-People. Like that scary looking woman with the
nice tit's for example (Maila Nurmi). Her old-man that desperately needs a tan (Bela
Lugosi). Plus that portly police Inspector they both kill, called Dan Clay (Tor
Johnson). All of them brought back to life, because the aforementioned
'visitors from another planet', are currently in a secret war with the earths
But Jeff doesn't need to worry his pretty little head off about
this. The police are at hand to investigate what is going on at the cemetery. Whilst
the army is primed and ready, trying to figure out what E.T.'s second cousins want
to do on this planet.
Still, that's most probably why what next transpires jumps
onto gear, when Colonel Tom Edwards (Tom Keene) is ordered to pay Jeff a little
visit. As a battle plan does the spits - a dead man falls to bits - aliens turn
out ecological - and the special effects on this film are just diabolical.
Now there are many words I could use to describe 'Plan Nine from
Outer Space'. 'Cardboard': being one of them. And 'Stiff': being another. But I
defiantly wouldn't call it 'bad' by any stretch of the imagination! If fact, I
would rather use the word 'engaging' instead.
You see, to me, if you look past the nth rate production
values, and the William Shatner type acting, this story isn't a bad story if
truth be told. It's about how we -- the people living on this planet -- are
progressing so much, that at times we're not entirely sure what we are
progressing towards.
Today we have Ipods, Guns, Phones, Bombs, and God knows what
else those crazy R&D chaps can come up with next. But why do we need them,
huh? What are we doing with all of these 'gadgets'? Shouldn't we be thinking
about Mother Nature? And trying our hardest to be better people who want to do
more pro-active things?
In my eyes this is the message that's at the center of this film.
Not the gloss. And is most probably why I should change the subject pretty
quickly, and present you with these timely filmic facts. (1) Although this
$60,000 production was shot in 1956, and copyrighted in 1957, 'Valiant
Pictures' never got around to releasing it until the 22nd of July, 1959 . (2) The director, Edward D. Wood
Junior, managed to persuade a Baptist Church to fund this film, by coaxing several
cast members to be baptized by them, as well as changing the original name from
'Grave Robbers from Outer Space', to 'Plan 9 from Outer Space'. (3) This was Bela
Lugosi's last film appearance, because he died before it was completed. Moreover,
Bela's 'stand-in' was Ed Wood's wife chiropractor -- Tom Mason -- who was
considerably taller than he was. (4) 'The Golden Turkey Award's' named this movie
the 'Worst Film of All Time'. (5) Not only did Bela Lugosi supply his own Dracula
costume for this adventure, but Tor Johnson's son -- Karl -- also 'outsourced'
the police cars and uniforms from his place of work -- the San Fernando Police
Department. (6) The majority of this movie was shot on an independent
sound-stage called 'Quality Studios', located in Santa
Monica Boulevard . Furthermore, the initial scene with
Bela Lugosi in it -- taken just prior to his death, and included into the film
later -- was recorded in front of Tor Johnson's house. Plus the cemetery was
the 'Pioneer Memorial
Cemetery ' in Sylmar ,
California . (7) Prior to going to work
every day, Maila Nurmi said she had to put on her Vampire makeup and costume at
home, and then take the bus into the studio. (8) Even though Greg Walcott just hated the script, he still reluctantly
signed on for this project.
OK, I have to admit, none of these facts were about ecological issues or
the paper plates used as flying saucers in this piece. But why should it, huh?
'Plan Nine From Outer Space' has been torn to shreds so much over time, I
thought that it was about time someone should see it for what it truly is.
"And what is that?" you may ask. Well, it's a very
crap looking film with a message that is still very relevant in this more
technological day an age. We shouldn't be complaining that the actors in this
film look like accountants! We shouldn't be pocking fun at the curtains using
in the space-ships either. Also, we should bitch, moan, or gripe, about the
cardboard headstones, or the characterless characters.
This movie is a classic for one reason and one reason alone.
No. Not because of the Johnny
Depp film. Though that didn't hurt. It's a classic because it has heart;
plus a pro-active way of translating a 'message movie' into a horror / sci-fi
It looks like sh*t. Agreed. But it sure smells good. Say no more.
Huh, Bela?
Reviewed by David Andrews
January 21, 2013