The Terror
Questions. Questions. Questions. Wary French cavalry
officer, Andre Duvalier (Jack Nicholson), is full of questions as soon
as he claps his eyes on the buxom young lady called Helene (Sandra Knight). Such as:
- Why does she suddenly disappear to, prior to him being washed into the sea?
- Why does the old lady who saves him, Katrina (Dorothy Neumann), state that she does not know who Helene is, even though her aide, Gustaf (Jonathan Haze), says that he has seen her at Baron von Leppe's castle (Boris Karloff)?
- Why does Helene look a lot like the Baron's dead wife, Ilsa (Sandra again), when she passed away over twenty years ago?
Well, when I say 'passed away', after Andre does a bit of
snooping around the Baron's old castle -- to the chagrin of his butler, Stefan
(Dick Miller) -- the Baron does come clean and explain to Andre that he killed
Ilsa when he caught her in the sack with a villager called Eric. So fairs
fair, right? It's not like he is haunting Andre or anything. Like Ilsa seems to
be haunting them both at the moment.
Yeah. Straight up. Ilsa just appears and vanishes at a drop
of a hat. First Andre spots her by the family crypt. Next Stefan sees her at
Katrina's house. After that, the Baron hears her voice in the distance. And
finally, Gustaf is confronted by her not so long after a bird pecks out his eyes.
Ouch! But then again that's most probably why what next
transpires goes bump in the night when a startling revelation is made. As not
everything is as it seems - this film doesn't end in vivid dreams - a witches plan
has no fear - and a baptism ends on a solidarity tear.
Now I know that some people out there think that 'The
Terror' was one of Roger Corman's 'Poe film'. But did you know that it wasn't
based on any of Poe's actual works?
Here, check out what else I know about this sixties horror classic, dear reader: (1) This movie was released by 'American International Pictures' onthe 17th of
June, 1963 . (2) Believe it or not, actress, Sandra Knight, was
pregnant during filming, and shares the same name as the forties super-heroine,
'The Phantom Lady'. (3) After completing his previous horror saga starring Jack
Nicholson and Boris Karloff -- called 'The Raven' -- director, Roger Corman,
shot the majority of this production -- mainly the Karloff scenes -- within
four days, using the same sets. Although the remaining improvised scenes were
shot over a nine-month period with his apprentices: Jack Nicholson, Francis
Ford Coppola, Jack Hill, Dennis Jakob, and Monte Hellman. (4) Now Roger Corman didn't want to
finish this picture as he did his other pictures -- i.e. with a fire -- so he
decided to flood the finale with water instead. (5) According to Jack
Nicholson, he almost drowned whilst shooting in the watery currents at 'Big
Sir'. (6) It took Frances Ford Coppola eleven days to capture his part of this
film, but only ten minutes where used in the finished product. (7) Boris
Karloff was doubled by Dennis Jakobs in the flood scenes. (8) The quicksand
section was shot by Jack Hill in his own backyard.
Here, check out what else I know about this sixties horror classic, dear reader: (1) This movie was released by 'American International Pictures' on
OK, I know that I could go on and on, spouting more trivia about
'The Terror' until the cows come home. But you don't want that, do you? You want to know what I feel
about this film in bullet-point form, right? (1) Conceptually, I only have three
slight gripes with this horror classic. Firstly, Jack's character is supposed
to be French, but he does not even attempt to sound French in it. Secondly,
like many of Corman's films during this era, he concentrates more on plot than on
character; which can be a bit of a set-back where association is concerned. And
thirdly, it does take quite a bit of time for this tale to really kick in --
about thirty minute approximately -- making it a slow start to say the least.
(2) Now I know that this was supposed to be a low-budget film, but I have to state
for the record, that it did not look like a low budget film at all. The pallet
was saturated. The backgrounds had depth. The effects were far better than many
others I've seen in the eighties. And without a shadow of a doubt, the overall
spit and polish of this piece was just out of this world. (3) Although the
first part of the film does drag on for a bit too long, when it does step up to
the mark, it really does motor all the way home is style. Honestly, there were
two twists at the end of this tale that really did surprise me -- prompting me to
want to watch it again for a more in-depth look at the story. (4) Another one
of my small gripes with this yarn is how things are deliberately delayed for no
apparent reason what so ever. Like how the Baron explains about his wife's
demise for example. Or how Stefan appears reluctant to help Andre out at first,
but on the next occasion doesn't. (5) From a personal perspective, the stand
out actor in this film for me has to be Boris Karloff. His mannered yet dramatic style really aides this project in places, and you can tell how he elevates a scene
to bold proportions when the need arises. Now that is not to say that Jack, Dick,
or the rest of the cast are rubbish in any way shape or form! Oh no! Rather
that they were still perfecting their craft, where as Boris wasn't.
Overall 'The Terror' is a classic slice of cinema which is a
much see for any fans of horror or filmic history. Heck, where else are you
going to see a flick directed by Roger Corman and mister 'Godfather' himself, Francis
Ford Coppola, aided and abetted by Jack the man and that chap who starred in 'Gremlins'?
Nowhere else, right?
Say no more.
Reviewed by David Andrews
January 15, 2013