Chopping Mall
Couldn't you just imagine what it must be like partying at a
shopping mall after hours? With Mike and Leslie (John Terlesky and Suzee Slater)
testing the suspension of the beds in the furniture department; whilst Rick and
Linda (Russell Todd and Karrie Emerson) make music by the side of a
portable-stereo. Then there'd be those crazy-cats, Greg and Suzie (Nick Segal
and Barbara Crampton); smelling the pepperoni in a very personable way. Plus
lets not forget both Ferdy and Alison (Tony O'Dell and Kelli Maroney), huh? Watching
an old fashioned horror movie on the old goggle-box.
Hey! Do you know who else is throwing a party at the same
time as these fun-loving love-bugs? No. It's not poor, Walter Paisley (Dick
Miller)! All this put-upon cleaner has to look forward to is mopping the dirty
floor behind him. It's the newly purchased mechanized-defenders called 'The Protectors',
silly. Well, they start off as protectors -- admittedly -- until a freakish
accident inadvertently causes them to change their prime directive from 'serve
and protect', to 'shoot and kill'.
Yeah. I'm not messing about. Post haste, these 'shinny bad-boys'
zap, stab, maim, slice, and chop whoever crosses there path. Moreover, once
they have the previously mentioned party animals in their sights -- ouch -- its
game over -- even if some of them do manage to fight back.
But then again that's most probably why what next transpires
all shifts gear when tits begin to wobble in a very meaningful manner. As malls
get mashed - computers get trashed - I would rather shop on e-bay - plus please
remember, do have a nice day.
Now if you take a smidgen of 'Robocop 2', a dash of 'Gremlins',
and then mix them both together with a huge does of Roger
Corman charm, I'd say that the end result would be 'Chopping Mall'. Yeah.
Straight up. This b-movie classic is one of those good / bad movies which
always gets my head in a spin.
Hey! And you do know I normally do when I am confused about a
film, don't you dear reader? Yes. Correct. Its advantage / disadvantage.
(1) From my own perspective, one of this film's saving
graces was the simplicity to it. Personally speaking, an adventure of this
genre needs to be simple so that the action can have a chance to shine; advertently
making things 'less confusing' as a whole. (2) If you're a film-nerd like me,
you'd love the cameos in this piece -- especially Dick Miller. Honestly, I
would have liked to have seen a lot more, just to give the overall production
that additional b-movie edge. (3) Although I don't really know very much about any
of the main actors in this flick, I have to admit, that they didn't do a bad job
with what they had at hand. Granted, most of them did exhume a mannered yet
bold quality to their performances at times. Yet, not to shabby if I do say
so myself.
(1) As much as I did like watching all of the senseless
nudity on show, in the same breath, it didn't really add anything to the
overall story. It was like one of the makers in this movie said to the girls 'Oi!
Strip! At least that way we have something nice to look at'. (2) The robots in
this production didn't look remotely menacing at all, and came across like a rather
large mechanical-toy that they usually made in the eighties. No detail to them and purely sheen. And I don't mean Martin. (3) Now if there ever was a
movie that needed a heavy dose of cash injected into it, it would have to be this
one. I would have liked the complete package to have that extra je ne sais quoi
-- so to speak -- transforming it from a b-movie classic to an all time
classic. Remake please!!!
OK, so now that's out of the way with, let's have some
filmic-facts. (1) 'Concorde Pictures' originally released this movie on the
21st of March, 1986, under the given name, 'Killbots'. However, because of it's
poor showing at the box-office, and audiences associating this flick with the
children's cartoon, 'Transformers', this movie was re-released to video quite
some time later, and cut down from 95 minutes to 77 minutes. (2) The majority
of this film was shot at the 'Sherman Oaks Galleria', Los
Angeles , California . (3)
Theatrically trained actress, Kelli Maroney, was so agile during production,
that she actually performed most of her own stunts herself. (4) Through-out all
of the scenes he's in, John Terlesky's character -- Mike -- is seen chewing gum.
(5) Both Mary Woronov and Paul Bartel -- who have a small cameo in this movie
-- are playing the same characters that they played in the Paul Bartel horror-comedy,
'Eating Raoul'. Moreover, Dick Miller is playing the same character he played
in the Roger Corman horror-comedy, 'A Bucket Full of Blood'. (6) Coincidence or not: The book the Technician is reading is
called 'They Came from Outer Space'. When this same book was made into a movie it
was edited by the director of this film, Jim Wynorski. And one of the stories
in this book was made into 'Death Race 2000', starring another actor in this
film, Mary Woronov. (7) Did you know that the claws of 'The Killbot' were actually made out
of grips salvaged from a plastic toy? Also, Jim Wynorski performed the voices
for the these robots as well. (8) If you look very
closely at the picture Allison and Ferdy are both watching in the furniture store scene,
you'll notice that it was one made by Roger Corman -- 'Attack of the Crab Monster'
-- who's the husband of this films producer, Julia Corman.
All in all, 'Chopping Mall' is a rather so-so film. The
pretext was pretty solid. The actors did OK. But it was let down greatly by
some lapse special effects, and a dire need of some extra cash injection. A
very diluted movie.
Say no more.
Reviewed by David Andrews
March 05, 2013