Dragon On Fire / Enter Three Dragons
Oh my wok! What a silly sod Sammy (Samuel Walls) truly is! All
this shady-looking street-urchin had to do; was to give a pouch of diamonds to a
bunch of thugs in the cover of darkness. But no. Sammy gets sucker-punched by these
thugs instead. And worst still, his boss thinks that he's double-crossed him,
because the diamonds are nowhere to be found.
Well Buddha be praised! Who in Jackie Chan's name can help Sammy
sort this mess out, huh? Micky (Nick Cheung Lik) and the Dragon perhaps?
No. Not Dragon Yeung (Bruce Thai). This vest-wearing nut-job
wants to do a spot of sightseeing first. Of course I'm referring to Dragon
Hung (Bruce Lai). The yellow cat-suit wearing nut-job who has an estranged
brother, with a face on him like a bull-dog chewing a wasp!
Hey! Wait a minute! You do know the brother in question,
don't you? Bruce Hung (Dragon Lee) is his name; and he's a right character he
is. He can beat-up whoever he meets for no apparent reason what so ever. CRACK! Like
gymnasts, POW! Loan-sharks, CRUNCH! And Monks, KA-PONG!
Yeah. Without a shadow of a doubt Bruce is a regular Lee in
the game of martial arts. Moreover, he doesn't get kidnapped by a gang of thugs
either -- like Yeung and Mick's sister do. Still, that's most probably why what
next transpires really kicks off when two rival gang bosses step up the pace.
As kung-fu fly's solo - please get ready for Bolo - everybody let's have a
fight - plus two estranged brothers try their best to eventually reunite.
Now have you ever watched paint dry before? If not. Don't
worry. Watch 'Enter Three Dragons' instead. You'd have a similar experience.
Trust me, I'm a big martial-arts movie fan, and normally,
low-production values, and bad dubbing, don't put me off this type of flick at
all. However, there needs to be a story, right? Or at least a story you can
follow in some capacity. Also, the dubbing in this piece just is so dire, it
gives 'bad dubbing' a bad name.
Hold on. I best stop myself there me thinks. I don't want to
start off my review by bashing this film to smithereens, do I? Let me take a
bit of a break with some filmic facts first. (1) Apart from its given name,
this movie has been christened with five other names by default. In Hong
Kong it's been called 'The Lama Avengers' and 'The Three
Avengers'. In France
it's been called 'Le Roi de Shaolin' and 'Le Défi du Ninja'. Plus
internationally it has been called 'The Dragon on Fire'. (2) Not only is Dragon
Lee very proficient in Hapkido and Taekwondo, but currently he is a television
actor and producer in Seoul , South
Korea . (3) Bruce Lai's alternate name is 'Yi
Tao Chang'; and has been known to appear in films solely directed by the
director of this adventure, Godfrey Ho. (4) Bruce Lee's former pupil, Bolo
Yuen, first met his teacher whilst the two of them were filming a 'Winston'
cigarette commercial together. (5) Believe it or not, Samuel Walls was the
English producer on this film. God only knows why though. (6) Dragon Lee's real
name is 'Moon Kyoung-seok', and he was born in South
Korea , before moving to Russia
and given the name, 'Vyachaslev Yaksysnyi'. (7) The 'Ed Wood' of Hong Kong
Cinema, Godfrey Ho, has directed another movie in the same vein as this one,
but a bit better -- 'Revenge of The Drunken Master'. (8) Tiger Yeung Cheng Wu and
Lee Hoi San played the penultimate bad-guys in the inadvertent 'Game
of Death' sequel, 'Tower of Death '.
Now where was I? Oh, yeah! I know. 'Enter The Three
Dragons'. A film so terribly scripted; half-way through it I wanted to finish
my laundry (and that's not a euphemism).
OK, I have to admit, there were a couple of things about
this piece I didn't mind watching. For a start, I thought Dragon Lee, Lee Hoi
San, and Bolo, all showed a lot of promise fighting on camera, without seeming
too dry compared to the rest of the cast. Moreover, I got a right kick out of
some of the 'westernised' incidental music, plus it also would have been nice
to see a bit more of Bruce Thai in combat.
But as for the rest of this movie on the other hand? No.
Afraid not. Mainly because the overall story was so jumbled to digest, I didn't
know what in hell was going on from one moment to the next. It started off with
Sammy getting knocked out and the diamonds getting stolen from him. Then there
was some confusion in recruiting the appropriate Dragon for the adventure. Next
there was something going on with 'Bruce' in a field. After that, most of the
cast beat each other up for no apparent reason. Then gang-bosses double-crossing
each other. Monks. A sister getting kidnapped. Excreta. Excreta. Excreta. Plus
whatever else this film wanted to convey.
Boy-oh-boy! It's a shame really. I'm sure 'Enter the Three
Dragons' could have been a lot better if it was more focused. Some of the fight
scenes were quite nifty -- yet long -- to gaze at. And I bet my bottom dollar
that the dubbing artists were having a right laugh at the audience expense, by
not presenting on screen what was really going on.
Oh Bugger! Let's hope my next Hong Kong
offering is better than this one.
Reviewed by David Andrews
March 14, 2013