South Park, Bigger, Longer, and Uncut : The Film
Once upon a time the residents of South
Park where all... ahem... 'fairly normal
people' on the surface. They all sang together. They all danced together. And
they even all swore together too. So what I'd like to know is: What in God's
name could have caused Kenny to kill himself by catching his ass own on fire? Cartman
to have his potty-mouth 'clamped' electronically? Plus Sheila Broflovski, Kyle's
Mum, to wage war with a neighbouring country?
No. It doesn't have anything to do with Stan trying to
impress his girlfriend, Wendy, because she's got a new boyfriend. That would
just be sick. Bllurgg! Instead, it's those f*cking Canadian b*stards fault. Terrance
and Phillip. Mainly because this double-act has made a movie that's so rude and
crude, it has perverted the small fragile minds of every young American that
has ever watched it.
Yeah. I'm not chocking your chicken, Uncle F*cker. In fact,
this situation is so f*cking messed up, Sheila manages to persuade the U.S.
Army to capture these two Canadian w*nkers whilst they are on the 'Conan
O'Brian' show, before executing them during a live performance hosted by Big
Gay Al.
Still, if you think about it for a moment, it could be worse
a lot worse I suppose. Satan and his boyfriend, Saddam Hussein, could use this
chain of events to their advantage, by escaping from hell and turning Earth
into their new dominion.
Ops! Oh, sh*t! I spoke too soon.
But then again that's most probably why what next transpires
all goes tit's up when Kenny passes a warning from beyond the grave. As the Army
stumbles - the resistance fumbles - Cartman swears like a trouper - and at the
end of the day Kenny's final words are just f*cking super.
Only the other
day my nephew Kyri reminded me of a film I allowed him to watch when he was
even younger then he is now. It's this one. 'South
Park - Bigger, Louder, and Uncut'. It's
a movie that his mother forbade me to show him, although I went 'F*ck that for
a game of soldiers. He'll watch it sooner of later anyway. I just want the
little sh*t to keep quiet, while his parents go out, and I'm looking after him'.
However, was I right to allow such an impressionable young
man to watch a comedy that's so chock full of profanity and singing, that it
could have made him become like one the characters in this cartoon? Well, in my
opinion, yes. Hell, yes. It didn't do him any harm with my now benefit of hindsight.
Furthermore, due to the 'morality message' sneaked in at the end of this flick,
I'm sure it's made Kyri a wiser person in the process.
Alright. I know some of you out there might think I'm a 'bit
of a loon' for saying something like this. But hey, life's not always full flowers
and roses. The human race is differentiating by default. And every single one
of us have different ways of conveying our own opinion's, in varying degrees of
Oh! Wait up. That reminds me of something else about this
film as well. It's different. It's very-very different. Just in the way it
manages to amalgamate comedy, animation, music, and pathos, all together into
one superb package that I just love watching time and again. Honestly. I sing
along with the tunes. I laugh at its humour. And I am just enamoured by how it
takes a very silly pretext and then moulds it into something that's as daring
and dynamic, as a blind driver with no arms of head racing in a speedway competition.
Here, check out some of these filmic facts to see how daring
this comedy really is. (1) 'Paramount' / 'Warner Bros' Pictures first released
this $21 million dollar production on the
20th of June, 1999 , and clawed back $81 million dollars at the box
office. (2) Initially 'the studio' wanted the creators of this cartoon, Trey
Parker and Matt Stone, to develop a PG-13 film. But -- of course -- they
refused this request. And a good job too. Because not only was it the highest
grossing feature length animation to date, but it's has also been awarded with
so many awards, I can't be bothered to list them all here. (3) According to the
2001 Guinness Book of Records, this cartoon is said to have used the most
profanity ever for a flick of this genre. This includes 399 swear words in
total, including 146 'f*cks', 199 offensive gestures, and 221 acts of violence.
(4) If you look very closely at the Canadian pie-chart, Canada 's
economy is based on the 'Terrance and Phillip' show, the tourist industry, a
snow ball machine, the log industry, the 'Dion Fish' industry, the porn
industry, and the filming of the 'X-Files'. (5) This movie was
originally going to be called 'South Park :
All Hell Breaks Loose'. Yet according to legend, the MPAA forced Trey and Matt
to change this title because it had the word 'hell' in it. (6) This film has
never been banned in Iraq .
In fact, it has never been distributed to Iraq
either. (7) Despite not needing Brian Boitano's permission to use his name in
the song 'What Would Brian Boitano Do?', Matt and Trey did need his permission
to print his name on t-shirt's devised a for charitable venture. (8) Matt,
Trey, and Mary Kay Bergman, voiced most of the characters in this project --
aided and abetted by their regular partners in crime, including Isaac 'Chef'
Hayes -- yet it was George
Clooney who voiced Dr. Gouache, Brent Spiner who voiced Conan O'Brien,
Minnie Driver who voiced Brooke Shields, Dave Foley who voiced both of the
Baldwin Brothers, and Eric
Idle who voiced Dr. Vosknocker.
Overall, 'South Park
- Bigger, Louder, and Uncut' is a movie that can't do any wrong in my eyes.
Granted, it is crude and over the top in places. Plus it does have that very
silly way of making a joke stick no matter what. Nonetheless, by in large this
film was so funny and entertaining to follow, I still allowed my nephew Kyri to
watch it when he was still a brat with an itch to scratch. Don't you agree, Brian
Reviewed by David Andrews
July 09, 2013