Now how I see it, a man's got so many fights to fight, and
so many ladies to please, before old age then settles in. But as for me on the
other hand -- Ha! -- I seem to be doing alright so far.
Hello. My name is Cole Armin (Randolph Scott). And at the
moment I'm doing everything in my power to stop my evil Uncle, John Armin (George
Cleveland), from messing about with the good townspeople of Albuquerque .
For instance, when he secretly orchestrates a high-way robbery
-- POW! -- I find a way of returning these ill gotten gains back to the
rightful owner. And then, when I start a new freight firm with my gal-pal, Celia
Wallace (Catherine Craig) -- BANG! -- I manage to stop him from bothering our
business with my old buddy, Juke (Gabby Hayes).
Granted, Uncle John doesn't make it any easier for me
because we're kin. Hell no! One way or another he always seems to find a way to
sneak and slide out of trouble thanks to his pocket sheriff, Ed Linton (as
Bernard J. Nedell), or his trusted-henchman, Steve Murkil (Lon Chaney, Jr.).
Then again, that's most probably explains why what next
transpires kicks off when Letty Tyler (Barbara Britton) strolls on into town. As
a ploy look as if it might work - a courtroom is full of a childish quirk - an
expedition ends up going berserk - and as high noon rises, quite a bit of
shooting finishes with a smirk.
Now on the surface, 'Albuquerque '
is the type of western that appears to have it all. You've got the all-American
hero. You've got the pretty damsels in distress. You've got the token comedic
foil. You've got the cinematic landscapes. Plus you've got all that good is
good, and bad is bad, stuff, thrown in for good measure.
So can anybody out there please explain to me why I wasn't
too keen on this film? Yeah. No kidding. From my own perspective this flick was
so clean cut and well defined, it seemed to have something missing from it by
Admittedly. I suppose the first thing I wasn't very keen on
was how each of the characters came across rather one-dimensional in tone. With
each of them not having that 'true grit' swagger I'm sort of used to seeing
within this type of production. Also, another thing I wasn't too happy about;
would have to be its 'peachy keen' attitude and demeanor towards itself. Compiled with a story-line that was a bit...
errr... hit and miss in retrospect.
I mean, just tale a look at how this movie is structured for
instance. It starts off with a five minute high-way robbery which introduces some
of the principle characters. Then there is a ten minute sequence where this aforementioned
robbery is figured out by the main-lead and his side-kick. And after that,
there is a rather hodgepodge affair involving associations and a business that
keeps on getting shagged by the main villain of this piece.
Hey. Don't get me wrong. 'Albuquerque '
wasn't all down hill, folks. On occasion there were a couple of jovial and more
connective scenes I loved watching. Like those scenes with Gabby Hayes or that
little girl in for instance. Furthermore, here and there, there were also some
nice character-building moments that pushed this piece further up in my own
estimations. Like the courthouse scene. Or those 'romantic interludes'.
But apart from that, though... err... no. No cigar for this
adventure I'm afraid to say. Still. What it can have, are these filmic-facts. Ha! (1) 'Paramount Pictures' first released this production on the same
day that the Rockabilly, Billy Zoom, was born -- the 20th of February, 1948 . (2) Despite it's title, the majority of this movie was shot on location at Iverson Ranch, and Sedona,
based in Chatsworth and Arizona
respectively. (3) Loosely translated, this project was entitled 'The Raid' in Portugal ;
'The Avenger of Death Canyon' in West Germany ;
and 'The Romantic Defender' in Brazil .
(4) One of the taglines used to promote this picture, was, 'It's got ALL-STAR
Names! It's got ACTION-PACKED Thrills! It's got ADVENTURE-LOADED Romance! It's
got AMAZING Colour!'. (5) Ray Enright, who directed this film, was in the business
from 1921 to 1956, and directed such westerns
as the 'Return of the Bad Men', 'Montana', and 'Kansas Raiders'. (6) This film
was based on a 1939 novel written by Luke Short called 'Dead Freight for Piute'.
(7) After this movie was unleashed, Randolph Scott starred in the western, 'Coroner
Creek', Barbara Britton starred in the adventure, 'Mr. Reckless', and Lon
Chaney Jr. starred in the crime-drama, 'The Counterfeiters'. (8) Within recent
years this all-American classic has been re-mastered and re-released in color
and its original black and white.
All in all 'Albuquerque '
is a film that's both mumbled in plot and stilted in execution. Try to think of it
as piece of writing paper. OK? It has a job to do, folks, and it does it to the
best of its ability. Yet there aren't any bells or whistles tacked on for good measure,
just the faint whiff of wholesome cheesiness wafting in the breeze.
Nuff said.
Reviewed by David Andrews
December 16, 2013