Kentucky Rifle - Digitally Remastered
'Go on ahead' said Jason Clay (Lance Fuller) to the rest of the
wagon train he was a part of. 'Me, Tobias (Chill Wills), plus some other folks
I'm riding along with, will all stay behind' he continued 'just long enough for
me to fix up my broken down old wagon full of brand spanking new Kentucky
But no. I'm afraid to say this plan doesn't really pan out for
him in the way he hoped it would.
Following a night full of mirth and misadventure, Jason suddenly discovers that the Comanche's have them in their sights -- or more specifically, their rifles. And so -- over a period of time -- this somewhat devilish pack of savage's talk with them, fight with them, yet ultimately find some peace with them, just long enough for everyone to rest up for a short while, and... TWANG! ARRRGHHHH!
Following a night full of mirth and misadventure, Jason suddenly discovers that the Comanche's have them in their sights -- or more specifically, their rifles. And so -- over a period of time -- this somewhat devilish pack of savage's talk with them, fight with them, yet ultimately find some peace with them, just long enough for everyone to rest up for a short while, and... TWANG! ARRRGHHHH!
Oh no! Not again! Not another Comanche attack!
Still. That's most probably why what next transpires all
rolls-on when a fool makes a bargain with some devilish Comanche's. As bargains
come at a price - battles aren't very-very nice - a birth lingers on in the air
- and when an old cowboy dies you know for a fact that life just isn't very-very
Now when I first read the premise behind the 'Kentucky
Rifle', I said to myself 'Great. I love this type of film I do. I hope to God
that it will be one of those rip roaring yarns chock full of adventure,
character, and all of that stoic splendor which normally comes along with this
sort of earthy production'.
But no, folk's. In part I was wrong. Very-very wrong. After
I watched this Western
I found out that there were parts of it I did enjoy watching -- mainly it's
rather simple story-line, some of its more character driven moments, plus that
whole 'baby dilemma' too. However, in the same breath, there were parts' of it
which I thought were completely off the mark as well.
Well. Let's face it. If you're going to relay a somewhat
simple narrative, you have to make sure that the characters in it have some
depth to them or you can relate to on a certain level.
Granted. There were two members of the cast whom were quite
charming to follow. Although I hardly understood anything Chill Wills actually said,
I still liked the cut of his jib, so to speak. Then again, I have to also
mention that I enjoyed Lance Fuller's performance, because he presented himself
in a very 'Charles Bronson' like manner, and he had that brooding but mannered
intensity that I really did get a kick out of.
But as for the rest of the cast on the other hand -- nah --
not my cup of tea at all. They were either too one-dimensional, too zany, or
too prim and proper to care less about. Also, if you factor in how the Native
American protagonists were depicted throughout this entire picture -- ouch --
all I can say about that is that I personally thought this was a very racist depiction!
Yeah. No kidding. When you hear a character saying things like
'Never trust a Comanche' or 'All this pack of savages ever want to do is kill
us', you know nigh on straight away that this isn't what you would call a very
politically correct production.
Hey! Don't get me wrong. I know full well that this movie
was made during an era where playing 'Cowboys and Indians' was all the rage.
And that it was more common place to hear this type of remark without having a
bitter taste in your mouth afterwards. Nonetheless. I can't say this sentiment
is still true in these more modern times. It felt very racist to me. Plus if
I'm going to be completely honest about it, on occasion it did spoil my
enjoyment of watching the 'Kentucky Rifle' an awful lot.
Anyway. I best come off of my high horse now. Or otherwise I
won't have enough time to spill these filmic facts. (1) 'Howco Productions Inc.'
first screen this movie in New Orleans , Louisiana ,
on the same day Egypt
announced its plans to sell cotton to Communist China -- the 27th of April, 1955 . (2) The traditional song
sung by Chill Wills in this film, 'Sweet Betsy from Pike', was originally
written in 1858 by John A. Stone. (3) Most of this production was shot on
location within the American state of California .
This includes Santa Clarita, plus Vasquez
Rocks Natural Area
Park , Agua Dulce. (4) This was the
first feature film the producer, Carl K. Hittleman, ever directed and co-wrote by himself. Later on in his career he produced 'Gun Battle at Monterey '
with Sterling Hayden, and 'Big Daddy' with Chill Wills. (5) Lee Hewitt, who was
one the other screenwriters assigned to this project, also wrote for such
television shows as 'Science Fiction Theatre' and 'Holmes and Yo-Yo'. (6) The
tagline used to promote this Western, was, 'His Wits, Weapons and Women, Turned
Defeat Into Victory!'. (7) For the two whole years Yolanda McGinnis worked in the
business, the only thing she did was hire the cast for two of Carl K. Hittleman's
movies. This one, plus another one called 'The Buckskin Lady', starring Patricia
Medina. (8) Once this flick sauntered over the horizon, Chill Wills starred in
the TV movie, 'The Over-the-Hill Gang'; Lance Fuller starred in the sci-fi flick,
'This Island Earth'; and Cathy Downs starred in the drama, 'The Promise'.
Overall the 'Kentucky Rifle' was a pretty so-so film. The
story was a simple one. The characters were a mixed bag. The direction was fairly
substandard. And by in large it wasn't a bad film, yet it was a misguided one
at best.
Nuff said.
Reviewed by David Andrews
December 30, 2013