Using GENERAL terms,
answer the following 4 questions about this STORY entitled 'Forever Numb'.
- WHAT'S THE MAIN THRUST OF THIS TALE: For me to be able to feel some sort of emotion, I -- your not-so-loving Cyborg -- will delve through my own memory-banks, and re-examine the arduous origins of Power Ring, Johnny Quick, Atomica, and Deathstorm.
- ARE THE MAIN OBJECTIVES ACHIEVED: No. Negative. Cyborg learns nothing except that he's a machine without a man, plus that Superwoman's files have strangely gone missing. Hmmm.
- ANYTHING ELSE HAPPEN: We find out that the Crime Syndicates collective beginnings are one hell of a great read. Yahooo (tm)!
- HOW DOES THIS STORY END: With a hostage smiling under his drab hood, whilst Victor Stone begins to recover from his recent injuries.
All in all, what is
the most memorable SENTENCE OR CONVERSATION spoken in this issue?
As much as I loved reading most of the pithy dialogue
sprinkled throughout this entire comic book, what touched me the most was in
that final scene between Silas and his son, Victor, where they said to each
SILAS: The heroes had to win every time. The villains only
had to win once. And they did.
VICTOR: No, Dad. They didn't win. Not yet.
Ohhhhh! Now doesn't that sound like a great cliff-hanger to end
on, folks? It does to me.
What are the BEST
bits about this issue?
(+) Just like I enjoyed reading all of the other 'Crime
Syndicate' origin stories presented in the 'Justice League', I enjoyed reading
this one too. Maybe it's just my own sense of the perverse, or the way in which
Ivan and Geoff are able to turn the original origins upside down, but to me,
personally, I did get one hell of a kick out of the associative yet satirical take
on something that I've already seen before.
(+) Something else I loved whilst reading this issue, were
all those little nods and winks to the other characters scattered throughout
the DCU. OK. I know what I saw were their Earth 3 counterparts. Nonetheless.
Stein? Mardon? Snart? Rory? Plus Abin Sur? All in the same book! Wow! What's
not to like about that?
(+) Hey! While I'm on the topic of Abin, wasn't Hal Jordan 's
origin just a blast to follow? In my eyes the most interesting part of this
sub-plot would have to be the mention of Volthoom: the mastermind behind the
'Rise of the Third Army' saga.
(+) There were two very fascinating aspects about this
adventure I can't wait to see unravel. Well, Superwoman and her missing
computer files and that hooded character did prop up this issue quite and lot in
my estimations. Plus, as I just said, I would love to see how these two scenarios
eventually pan out.
What are the WORST
bits about this issue?
(-) Despite enjoying the way Cyborg was used as a
plot-device to recollect the remanding members of the 'Crime Syndicate's'
origins, Cyborg in himself isn't a character I very much like. Honestly. I
can't wait until DC brings back Victor Stone. Because he's a Cyborg I really do
like. Bless him.
What SONG,
THEME-TUNE, or MELODY, would complement this tale, or add and extra dimension
to it by default?
'FEELINGS' BY MORRIS ALBERT: Oh, dear. My satirical side has
doffed its lofty cap once again. But hey! If you take away all of the love
within this song, you might find that it's a pretty decent match to this rather
lovely story!
If this story gave
off a scent, what ODOUR would it be and why?
WD40: Or as some of you might call it -- lubricant -- a slippery
substance that emolliates, protects, and displaces moisture from parts unknown,
whilst omitting a whiff of va-va-voom in the process. Ha!
What QUOTE would be
appropriate to sum-up this story?
'I have feelings too. I am still human. All I want is to be
loved, for myself and for my talent' -- Marilyn
Alright! So has anybody got any idea about who that
hooded-character really is? You know. That Earth 3 fellow strapped to a chair,
and currently in the clutches of the 'Crime Syndicate'!
Huh? What's that you say? You want me to take a guess? Sure.
I can do that. But I must warn you, folks, I'm really-really cr*p at guessing.
The Martian Manhunter
-- Well, have you seen him in any of the 'Forever Evil' story-lines?
Jerry Springer --
Wouldn't it be brilliant seeing the hood taken off and our Jerry doing his
'final thoughts' shtick?
Lex Luthor -- OK.
I know that Lex does sound like a pretty obvious choice. But let's face it, DC
are pretty damn obvious at times, aren't they?
Elvis Presley -- Wow!
Wouldn't that be one hell of an amazing come-back?
Barry Manilow -- Unlike
this one.
Dick Grayson --
One of the main reasons why I've picked on Dick (Ouch! That sounds rude), is
because his role in this cross-over event is only alluded to in hush whispers
and snide comments. Also, you can't believe anything the bad-guys say about
'Earth 3 Dick', as they're all f*cking liars.
Marilyn Monroe --
Hey! She did make an appearance in this review!
Volthoom -- Hey!
He did make an appearance in this comic book!
Anyway. That's enough of my stuff and nonsense for this
month. All I have left to say is that this issue of 'Justice League' reminded
me of a patchwork quilt. Nice to wrap yourself up in, and it looks kind of snazzy
too. Yet at the end of the day this comfy slice of fabric hasn't got any heart
to it.
Nuff said.
Reviewed by David Andrews
January 13, 2014