To QUOTE the Dalai
Lama: 'Our prime purpose in this life
is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them'.
So there I was, Hal Jordan ,
enlisting the services of a couple of cosmic-crooks to help us Green Lanterns out
with a universal rebellion we were having. When suddenly, out of the sky fall's
two new recruits, quickly followed by a savage Red Lantern.
But I tell you something for nothing, my friends. This Red
Lantern wasn't your normal home-grown Red Lantern. No way Jose! This Lantern
was a rabid Kryptonian female that needed to be put out
of her bloody misery.
'Yet how can I do that' you may ask yourself. I can't take
her ring away or else she may perish. And Saint Walker doesn't want to know
either, because he's got nothing to do with the Blue Light of hope anymore.
Still. Maybe someone else can help me. Someone named Guy perhaps?
Now some of you might say the best thing about this first chapter
would be that it had another free chapter included at the end of it. I wouldn't
though. I wouldn't because I surmise this story got its title from the novel which
was based upon one of my all time favorite films, 'Doctor
OK. So there is a chance I could be wrong about my
presumption. Yet something I don't think I'm wrong about, dear reader; is the
fact that Billy Tan and Robert Venditti have produced yet another great story
that I really did find fascinating to follow.
Not only because of Hal's intriguing dilemma involving the
whole Supergirl / Red Lantern situation. But more than that, I did get a kick
out of how this tale touched upon the other events happening throughout the
'Corps Universe', without it seeming too contrite or tacked on for the sake of
Also, despite not being too keen on those 'Saint Walker
scenes', mainly because they didn't 'pay off' at the end of the day, I still
liked the tranquil interaction between Saint and Mogo, largely due to the
calming characterizations that were ultimately being conveyed.
I suppose the only problem I had with this adventure is how
most if came across like one big long excuse for it to continue within another installment.
Now please don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to imply that I didn't enjoy this
escapade at all. But the thing is, every time Hal tried to get Supergirl some
help, he kept on getting the same old response again and again and again. No.
No. No.
For some pretty damn obvious reasons this tale reminded me
of the Beatles song, 'Help', because in my eyes that is exactly what Hal Jordan
needed throughout his quest.
Now I'm not quite sure what you'd call these places in other
counties, but in England
we call employment exchanges, 'Job
Centers'. And that is what I'd like to compare this comic to. It's
somewhere no one can find help even if they want it. Ha!
I'm sure some of you out there may think I'm being a bit of
a lazy git for not continuing by review of 'Red Alert' within the pages of 'Red
Lantern'. Surmising that I'd rather review some old-school film of
yesteryear than getting on with the job at hand.
Yet let me say this, dear reader. If I did that I
might spoil the resolution that turned up at the end of this subsequent chapter,
and I wouldn't want to do that to you, would I. To me reading a comic book is a
very personal and private experience. Not everything I say in my reviews you
will agree with. And not everything I do in my reviews is all that precise
That's the point, though, isn't it? If I tell every single
detail about a comic before you pick it up, why the hell should you read it in
the first place!
Anyway. That's enough of my justification methinks. As all I
have left to say is that this issue of 'Green Lantern' was amazing at half the
price. The artwork is getting better and better by the page. The story-line did
precisely what it needed to do to progress it along in the right
direction. And as push comes to shove, this book is quickly becoming one of my
most favorite books out on the racks.
Nuff said.
Reviewed by David Andrews
February 25, 2014