Gunfighters : The Film
'That's it!' says Brazos Kane after shooting a man down in self-defense.
'I've had enough of being a gunslinger' he continues, 'I'm going to hang up my
holster, and live the rest of my life as a rancher with my good old friend, Bob Tyrrell'.
But no. He doesn't. Bob is dead you see. As dead as
Dillinger. Shot full of holes' and left to rot upon his very own doorstep. Plus
to make matters even worse for the venerable Mister Kane, he almost gets
himself lynched when he then unveils this dreadful news to the local
Buy hey! Don't you worry your pretty little heads off,
folks! Thanks to that nice-looking gal who catches Kane's sparkly blue eyes,
eventually, he managed to clear his good name, and rests up for a short while
with his other good old friend, Rancher Inskip (Charley Grapewin).
Huh? What's that you say? Who is this nice-looking gal I'm
refereeing too? Well, take a guess. Do you think it would be the local gal, Jane
Banner (Dorothy Hart)? Who's too hung up on the mastermind behind this heinous
act to know any better! Or would it be her similar looking sister, Bess Banner
(Barbara Britton)? Who falls for Kane big time, despite cottoning on that her
sister's feller, Bard Macky (Bruce Cabot), is involved with the aforementioned
crime as well!
Yep. That's correct. That is the sister I'm referring too,
folks. A very cute looking sister I might add, who patiently waits in the wings
while Kane does his best to figure out who popped Bob's clogs in the first
Still. I suppose that is why what next transpires all shoots
a blank when a revelation is ultimately revealed. As two sisters bicker - a
friend needs a vicar - a gunslinger takes out his gun - and as the day draws to
an end, two lovers trot off into the setting sun.
[ Sorry. Not The Trailer ]
Now to be completely honest with you, folks, I'm not
entirely sure if I liked watching 'Gunslinger' or not. On the one hand I really enjoyed the cinematic art direction and the anti-gun message behind
this movie. Whilst, on the other hand, I wasn't too keen on the way the overall
story was structured, or how some of the actor's performed on screen either.
Alright. I know that this is a very old film, and that back
in the day the acting style was much more wooden than I'm used to, because the
actors involved didn't have enough time to flesh out their respective roles and
motives. But then again, even though this fact does absolve the acting part of
the equation, what it doesn't do, is explain away why the structure of this
tale was so mumbled in tone.
Listen, I understood that this adventure was about a
gunslinger who wanted to give up his gun to live the wholesome life. That's a
given. I also understood that the message behind this movie was about how might
doesn't equal right. Yet, for the life of me, why where these two earnest
plot-points conveyed in such a manner, that it took me the entire film to
realize this is what it was all about?
I mean, one minute Randal's character was getting shot at and
then lynched. The next minute he was wooing one of the girls for some information.
After that there was a bit more action and plot. Then there was a segway were Randy
taught 'Young John' how to use a gun plus a comedy skit. More wooing. More fighting. Woo.
Fight. Woo. Fight. Blah-Blah-Blah. Yadda-Yadaa-Yadda! Booom! Game over.
Now do you see what I'm driving at, folks? The core of this film
was fine, as it did tell a tale that was well worth telling. What I had a
problem with was the flimflam pace of the conceptual narrative. Cause even
though this movie was slow in tone, the tale in itself was a long time coming
due to the way plot-points were frantically woven into its overall tapestry.
Anyway. That's enough of that methinks. Because I'd say that
this was a pretty good time for some filmic-facts. (1) 'Columbia Pictures'
first released this production on the very same day that the American songwriter,
Walter Donaldson, passed away -- the
15th of July, 1947 . (2) Loosely translated, this project was
entitled 'Avengers without Weapons' in Austria ;
'March to Burn' in Finland ;
and in the United Kingdom
it was given the name, 'The Assassin'. (3) The majority of this movie was shot
on location throughout the two American states of California
and Arizona . In Arizona
you might notice Sedona, whist in California
you might notice Andy Jauregui Ranch, located in Placerita
Canyon Road ; Monogram Ranch, located in Oak
Creek Avenue ; and Vasquez
Rocks Natural Area
Park , located in West
Escondido Canyon Road . (5) This film was based on Zane
Grey's sequel to the 'Knights of the Range' -- entitled 'Twin Sombreros' -- and
then adapted from this original novel by 'The Searchers' author, Alan Le May.
(6) Now if you took any notice of my previous fact, you might also like to know
that the author of the original novel, Zane Grey, has had one hundred and two
films, two television episodes, and a television series, based upon his novels
and short stories. (7) Excerpts from this adventure can be seen in Robert
Altman's 1957 documentary about James Dean, entitled, 'The James Dean Story'.
(8) After this flick shot its load, both Randolph Scott and Barbara Britton
starred in 'Albuquerque ', whilst Bruce
Cabot starred in 'The Gallant Legion'. (9) George Waggner, who directed this Western,
also directed such television classics as 'Maverick', 'Cheyenne', 'The Green
Hornet', 'Man from U.N.C.L.E', and the 1966 version of 'Batman'.
Overall, I would have to say 'Gunfighter' was a pretty
alright film. The acting was standard for its time. The message and the
cinematic style were on point. And the only thing that let it down would be how
the central narrative had little to no focus.
Nuff said.
Reviewed by David Andrews
February 05, 2014