To QUOTE any contestant seen on the now defunct quiz show, 'Blockbusters': 'Can I have a "B" please, Bob?'.
Greetings, fellow Gothamites. It's the Riddler here. Streaming
live across the airwaves and dying to know which one of you will be cleaver
enough to take back their city from my nefarious clutches.
I mean, could it be you, Bruce Wayne? Who doesn't really
seem to know what the hell he's doing at the moment! Or what about you, Lieutenant
Gordon? Who's currently hatching a plan that's bound of fail! Better yet, could
it be, you... errr... no. I'm not saying anymore. Cause I wouldn't want to
spoil the surprise, would I? I'd rather be playing dominoes with your buildings
BOOM! See?
As per usual, Scott and Greg have done us proud by creating another
amazing tale jam-packed with artistic visuals and an encompassing story-line.
Honestly. This book is so good I can hardly find the words within myself to say
what I feel about it.
Well, on a conceptual level it does have a very basic
premise. What with the bad guy setting up shop within a city he has his grips
on, without anyone else seemingly knowing what they can do to stop him. Yet
thankfully, due to Scott's intriguing approach to story-telling, he's somehow managed
to add a number of questions to the plot you know will be answered sooner of
For instance, what the hell happened to Julia Madison all
those years ago? How will Bruce find a way to beat back the Riddler? What role
will Jim play within this scenario? Plus who the hell is that Thomas kid? And
will we see him again?
Cause he was a good kid, eh?
The only thing about this adventure I wasn't too keen on
would be that part where Gordon's men attempted to bribe the Riddler. From my
point of view you could tell straight off the bat this ploy wasn't going to
work out. Especially since this is the first part of a much larger story-line.
In England
there is a quiz program called 'Countdown'. And in it there is a musical theme which
is both quizzical, suspenseful, and very bold to listen to. Here. Listen for
yourself, dear reader, and you can tell why I'm comparing it to this dynamic
Once again I'm going to go down the 'quiz show' route for my
compassion. This time though I'm going to compare it to my favorite English program,
Eggheads, because this is my favorite
comic book too. He!
As I sit here in front of my computer screen, wondering how
I can sum up this first part of 'Savage
City ', for some strange reason a Batman
story-line of old has suddenly popped into my mind.
Now can anyone out there remember 'The Destroyer'? It was a three-part
crossover event created by Alan Grant, Dennis O'Neil, Chris Sprouse, Jim Aparo,
and Norm Breyfogle. And basically it told a tale of how Batman had to stop some
nutter from blowing up all of the new building's in Gotham
City , mainly because the git wanted
the older buildings to shine through.
It was pretty decent story, actually. And it had some really
great moments that kind of reminds' me of this current story-line. Particularly
since they both touch upon the differences between the old Gotham
and the new Gotham . Plus the adventurous spirits they've
both got in spades.
Know what I mean? Nuff said.
Reviewed by David Andrews
April 29, 2014