Gunman for Ave Maria
Thank you very much, Senor Sebastian (Leonard Mann). Two
times so far you have been kind enough to save my life. First, when you gave me
some water whilst I was dying of dehydration. And secondly, when you shot down those
bandits' who were trying to capture me.
Now in appreciation for what you have done, I'm going to
tell you a story of how you're Mother Anna's (Luciana Paluzzi) lover, Tomas (Alberto
de Mendoza), killed most of your relatives many-many years ago. Before accompanying
you in enacting your revenge, whilst saving your lovely sister Isabella (Pilar
Velázquez) in the process.
Hey! There is no need for you to thank me too, Sebastian!
Don't you realize who I am? I'm your old childhood friend, Rafael (Peter
Martell). And I promise you that I'll do everything in my power to aide you in
your quest.
Then again, that's most probably why what next transpires
all turns sour, when I get kidnapped after you spend the night with a prostitute.
As a Mother goes to confession - some bandits have a right session - a sister is
saved from some bloke - and at the end of the day, a family revelation goes up
in an awful lot of smoke.
[ German Trailer ]
Now when I first sat down and watched 'Forgotten Pistolero',
I was dreading that it was going to be another piss poor Sergio Leone knock off
I've recently grown accustomed to. But no. Thank God it wasn't like that at all. In my own most humble opinion, this was one hell of a great Spaghetti
Western I just adored following.
First off, I've got to mention how the story in itself was a
very engrossing one by nature. As it complied so beautifully
with the simple rules of adventure, by garnishing the general plot-line with a familial
link towards all things related to the family and revenge.
Next, I've got to say that the theme tune played throughout
this movie was a really melodic and catchy harmony to listen to. Honestly. In
many ways it had that ability to enhance whatever was going on, on-screen, by
either uplifting 'the merry', or by intensifying 'the sad'.
Also, I would just like to add that the actors involved with this flick did a really nice job at playing there respective parts. Not hamming it
up too much. And not playing it down too little. One way or another most of
them found a splendid balance between the stoic and the bold.
Having said all that, though, there was one thing about this
picture that didn't sit quite right with me. It was how this adventure began in
a rather aloof and 'stand-off ish' manner. Not really engaging with its
audience or its characters until that flash-back sequence commenced, and Rafael
told Sebastian who he really was. Furthermore, I did notice on occasion that
the tale drifted off on a tangent too. And only really came back to the fore again
when things started to become slightly too myopic.
But apart from that slight gripe -- nah -- this was one hell
of a great film. The cast were all good. The story was very captivating. The
direction was spot on. And in a round about way it kind of reminded me of the
following filmic facts. One part intriguing, and one part vibrant. (1) 'Ízaro
Films' first released this production in Italy
on the 17th of October, 1969 ,
and eventually clawed back 29.4 million pesetas at the Spanish Box Office. (2) Loosely
translated, this project was entitled 'Last Bastards' in France ;
'Death Rides Again' in Sweden ;
and 'Gunman for Ave Maria' in its native Italian language. (3) The majority of
this movie was shot on location in Almería , Spain ,
and Rome , Italy .
(4) This Spaghetti Western was limply based on the Greek myth of Orestes, most
notably the famous three act drama devised by Aeschylus, Sophocles, and
Euripides. (5) Now if you took any notice of my previous fact, you might like
to know that it took five different writers to adapt this flick into screenplay
form. This includes: Pier Giovani Anchisi, Ferdinando Baldi, Vencenzo Cerami,
Ferderico De Urrutia, and Mario Di Nardo. (6) The director of this film, Ferdinando
Baldi, is best known for directing such films as the 1960's version of 'David
and Goliath'; the 1966 action-adventure, 'Goodbye Texas'; plus of course the
one and only Terrance Hill classic, 'Django, Prepare a Coffin'. (7) The music composed
for this movie by Roberto Pregadio, can also be heard in a couple of episodes
of 'The Ren & Stimpy Show', plus a 1999 episode of 'SpongeBob SquarePants'.
(8) After this adventure shot off its load, Leonard Mann starred in the
Western, 'The Unholy Four', Luciana Paluzzi starred in the comedy, 'Playgirl
70', and Peter Martell starred in the horror-movie, 'The Bloody Judge'.
Overall I'd say 'Forgotten Pistolero' was one hell of a
cracking film. And I'd highly recommend it to anyone who likes their Westerns spaghetti,
their story-lines captivating, and their music with a touch of wonder.
Nuff said.
Reviewed by David Andrews
April 28, 2014