Pancho Villa
Now as soon as I save Pancho Villa (Telly
Savalas) from those darn pesky Mexican's, I say to myself, 'Scotty (Clint
Walker) my boy. You're a pretty decent chap. So stop saving your business partner and start enjoying yourself. Go on. Do it. Take your lovely wife Flo (Anne Francis) out for a nice night on the town'.
But hey! Do you honestly think I can do that without a single
hitch? Ha! Like hell I can. Everywhere I seem to turn a bunch of bandit's try
to fill me full of led. Be it at the theatre, at a local hotel, or at a
pre-arranged gun-drop. Constantly they get on my bloody tits until I kick them all in the nuts and make my way back to Pancho's place.
After that, though, well, things get a bit weird for me and
my revolutionary business partner. Although I suppose you can safely say Pancho
doesn't make it easy for any of us. Especially when he decides to saddle
up his army of men, and then traipse us across country so he can obtain the
munitions he needs to kick-off his battle against his oppressors.
Still. That's most probably why what next transpires all
goes nowhere fast, when Colonel Wilcox (Chuck Connors) steps into play with the
U.S. Army. As mice have no heart - can you smell Luis (José María Prada) fart -
how can you have bangers without mash - and at the end of the day, this film
turns out to be one hell of a train crash.
Now if you were expecting 'Pancho Villa' to be a dramatized
account pertaining to the life and times of this noted Mexican revolutionary,
then I'm afraid to say that you're sh*t out of luck, pal. Not only wasn't it a
factual bio-pic, in many ways it was a film that lost its direction due to its
Well, to put it as best I can, I presume the makers of this
movie wanted it to be a satirical story about Pancho's life. Yet, whilst they
were developing it, they must have missed out on one vital ingredient to make
this comedy actually work.
They forgot to make it funny.
From my point of view a good example of this would be those
few scenes you can see midway through this picture. In one of them Clint's
character goes out on a date with his wife. But instead of them being on there
own together, she ends up taking a man-friend with her too. Also, there's another
scene where Telly's character feels like he having a heart-attack. However,
when a doctor turns up to examine him, he discover's that the fluttering over
his chest is down to a mouse hovering within his undergarments.
Yeah. Those were some pretty lame jokes, weren't they?
Furthermore, something else about this film I wasn't too keen on; was how structurally it kind of zigzagged from one part of the narrative to another, and this directly made it feel rather confusing to follow as a story in its own right.
Furthermore, something else about this film I wasn't too keen on; was how structurally it kind of zigzagged from one part of the narrative to another, and this directly made it feel rather confusing to follow as a story in its own right.
Now please don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to insinuate
that the tale was total pants. No. Of course not. At times it was a somewhat pithy
tale to purview. It's just that it took quite a bit of time to actually figure
out what this adventure was supposed to be. And even then, you have to sit
through at least forty minutes to engage with its jovial sequence of events.
On the reverse side of my negativity, though, there were a
couple of things I did enjoy about this escapade as well. For instance, despite
some of the jokes being rather naff in execution, in the same breath there were
some others that did make me laugh like a loon. Not many mind you. But a hand-full
that compelled me to want to watch this movie till the very end.
Also, I have to applaud the four main leads for making this
movie fairly watch-able. Honestly. If it wasn't for Telly's charm, Clint's
stoic nature, Anne's beauty, and Chucks over the top antics, this flick would
turn out to be as bland as a bland thing that is very-very bland.
Anyway. That's enough of that for the moment, folks. As I
think it's about time for us to check out the following filmic-facts. (1) 'Granada
Films' first released this production in West
Germany , on the very same day twenty-two servicemen
were tragically killed in the Vietnam War. It was on the 31st of October, 1972 . (2) Now if you
took any notice of my previous fact, you might like to know that the makers of
this movie devised it to reflect the Anti-War sentiments brewing within America
at the time. (3) Loosely translated, this project was entitled 'Born Rebel' in Greece ;
'Bandit Pancho' in Finland ,
plus it was given the alternate title, 'Vendetta', in America .
(4) In his autobiography, Bernard Gordon, who produced this film, stated that
Telly Savalas and Clint Walker didn't get along too well during production. Often
Salavas attempted to upstage Walker ,
by insisting that the director should change certain two-shot set-ups to a solo
set-up. But Clint didn't mind though. He was more than happy acting alongside
his other co-star, Anne Francis. (5) Apart from those scenes shot within 'Estudios
Madrid 70', the rest of this movie
was shot on location throughout the Mediterranean country of Spain .
This includes Guadix, based in Andalucía; as well as Aranjuez and Colmenar
Viejo, based in Madrid . (6) Even
though this might sound like a rather unusual combination, this Spaghetti
Western was in fact a co-production financed between America ,
England , and Spain .
(7) The tagline used to promote this picture, was, 'The only man to invade the U.S.A. !'.
(8) After this flick screamed out for
revolution, Telly Savalas starred in the western, 'A Reason to Live, a Reason
to Die'; Clint Walker starred in the horror-thriller, 'Scream of the Wolf', and
Anne Francis starred in the television series, 'Assignment Vienna'.
Overall 'Pancho Villa' reminded me of a modern-day bland
comedian who hasn't perfected their act yet. Even if the core of their jokes
sound funny down on paper, as push comes to shove, the way you tell them, means
a lot more than the way you write them.
Nuff said.
Reviewed by David Andrews
April 22, 2014