To QUOTE Benjamin
Franklin: 'We are all born ignorant,
but one must work hard to remain stupid'.
Take a seat, Mister Allen, and please try to make yourself feel
more comfortable. Now as I'm sure you're more than aware of, your department has
instructed you to come here, today, so I can assess your mental capability since
the aftermath of that whole 'Crime Syndicate' saga.
According to my records you appear to be a very hard working
individual, in spite of your father killing your mother, or the fact that you
were suspended when you went missing in action.
But please, man. You have to try to slow yourself down. If
you keep on pushing yourself too hard something very bad might happen to you or
a loved one five years from now. You know. A loved one named... errr... Wally,
Overall I'd say this issue of 'The Flash' was a pretty pithy
read. Despite having one fundamental flaw within it's central narrative --
which I'll come to later -- at the end of the day I did enjoy it for the
following four reasons.
Firstly, Brett's style of art really does suit this type of kinetic
comic book. In many ways it has that very free-flowing yet vibrant nature that
you'll defiantly need when illustrating Barry's exploits.
Secondly, I did like how this issue brought us up to speed
on Barry's relationship with Patty, his job in the Central City Police Department,
plus how he fits into the aftermath of Forever Evil. The way I see it, this
slant gave this story a directional boost where continuity is concerned.
Thirdly, I got a right kick out of how Barry kept on darting
off to help people during his counselling season. Not only was it suspenseful to
read -- cause he might of got caught, huh? -- but it also broke-up the 'talking
heads narrative' with a bit more action. Just a bit mind you.
And last but not least... errr... how can I put this? Oh! I
know. One simple name put a great big smile on my face while reading this book,
even though I'm not a hundred percent sure how he's involved yet -- Wally West
-- say no more.
I suppose the only slight gripe I had with this adventure
was that nothing very much happened, except that it teased us with things yet to
come. Now please don't get me wrong. I
did enjoy the more intimate nature this tale had in spades. It's just that on a
conceptual level it felt a bit too repetitive and samey as well.
In essence this comic book was about a man who wanted to do
something else than what he was currently doing. So taking this summation into
account, I'd say it would work fairly well in conjunction with The Animals
classic, 'We've Gotta Get Out Of This Place'.
Yes. That is correct. I am comparing this adventure to the
actor, Jimmy Steward. And do you
want to know why I'm comparing it to this legend of yesteryear? Well, from my
point of view Barry almost seemed to take on Jimmy's erstwhile cinematic persona
throughout this tale. Coming across
as a very good natured 'every man' who wants to do his best despite how it could
effect him later.
You know. Try to think of it as more condensed version
of 'It's a Wonderful Life'. But replace the angel with a head-shrink.
The big question that really needs to be addressed is if Brett
Booth and Robert Venditti are up to the challenge of taking over this book.
Now in my own opinion -- yes -- yes they are. If any of you
have picked up any of their issues of Nightwing or Green Lantern in the past,
you know for a damn fact they can draw a mean picture and write a mean word.
More than that, though, I have the utmost faith that their sensibilities and styles can work beautifully on 'The Flash' given half a chance. They're both very creative and innovative
people. And you can clearly see that in them just by the way they're attempting to do
something I've been pining to see since he went away.
Wally West -- return home soon -- nuff said.
Reviewed by David Andrews
May 07, 2014