To QUOTE A Crap Title
from a Sh*t Film: 'Dude, Where's My
That's twice so far you've made me blow everything up to save
your hide, Jason Todd. First when we had to break into Blackhawk HQ just so we could
steel one of their super-charged vehicles. And now, whilst we are breaking into
SHADE H.Q and doing exactly the same thing once again.
Now by your own accord we needed the first vehicle so we
could also obtain the second vehicle. But what I want to know, Jay, is why is
that Frankenstein feller stopping us from accomplishing our goal, when at the
end of the day we're doing this so we can save our pal Roy from a
group of fiends in outer space?
Humans, huh? You can't live with them. And you can't kill
the dead ones even if you wanted to.
Overall I'd say this installment of 'Red Hood and the
Outlaws' was a fairly decent tale to read. The artwork was very clean looking
and bold on the page. And I didn't mind the story-line either, even if it did
dart off on a tangent here and there.
Mind you, I personally thought the best thing about it were
those roguish elements strewn throughout. Like the how Roy
fought back against his captors for instance. As well as how Jay and Kori acted
like two jovial thieves just so they could help save their friend.
Furthermore, wasn't it a right blast to see Frankenstein?
Honestly. His inclusion was a right sight for sore eyes. And it was bolstered
even more so with how he sternly interacted with his opponents.
There were two aspects about this adventure I wasn't very
keen on myself. Firstly, I noticed that certain sections of dialogue felt very
exposition-like in tone. And basically said what had to be said just so that
the narrative could flow from 'point A' to 'point B'.
And secondly, that whole scenario where Jay and Kori had to steal a spaceship, just so they could steal another one afterwards, well, what the hell was that for, eh? From my perspective that was a needless delay within the plot-line. And wasn't needed at all
And secondly, that whole scenario where Jay and Kori had to steal a spaceship, just so they could steal another one afterwards, well, what the hell was that for, eh? From my perspective that was a needless delay within the plot-line. And wasn't needed at all
On a conceptual level this tale revolved around a scenario
where two vehicles had to be stolen so that the perpetrators were able to save
their friend. Therefore, with that in mind, I have no doubt but to pair it up
with the aptly titled Bruce Springsteen song, 'Stolen Car'.
Still sticking with my burglary theme, dear reader, and I
have to say that I'm now going to compare this comic book to a 'carjacker' for fairly obvious reasons.
There were two scenarios I deliberately failed to mention previously,
folks, because I wasn't very sure about them myself.
Now the first scenario I want to explain is very difficult
without giving too much away. But at a push, let me just state for the record
that I wasn't very thrilled with the last page revelation. It was like -- 'What
the f*ck is **** doing here? And why is ** involved with this situation?'.
Where as the second scenario I want to explain I can, yet
only because it felt kind of disposable in hindsight. Well, did we need that
whole battle where Roy fought
against his captors? At the moment I would say no. But who can tell without
reading the next issue?
Hmmm. Nuff said.
Reviewed by David Andrews
May 01, 2014