Moon of the Wolf
Thank you very much for having a cup of coffee with me, today, Louise (Barbara Rush). After the long day I've had, I defiantly need to
sit down and talk to someone who I don't think is a murderer.
Well, I'm sure your brother Andrew (Bradford Dillman) has
told you how I'm currently investigating the brutal slaying of Ella, over by the
lake. And how I'm trying to piece together the circumstance's surrounding her
mysterious demise.
Now at first I thought it might have been her strange looking brother, Lawrence
(Geoffrey Lewis). Yet I'm happy to say it couldn't have been him. Lawrence
is a left handed individual whereas her killer uses their right.
I then suspected my old friend, Doctor Druten (John
Beradino). Especially when I eventually found out that he got Ella pregnant and
tried to hide this fact away from me. But again -- no -- it couldn't have been him.
I couldn't have been him despite my own personal reservations.
Still. I suppose that's why what next transpires all goes
rather berserk, when I hear someone call out to me 'Sheriff Whitaker (David
Janssen)! Lawrence has just been
killed by a werewolf!'. As an investigation is lent a helping hand - can anyone
hear that mariachi band - a revelation is fearlessly no joke - and at the end
of the day, everything goes up in a wail of smoke.
I'm sure some of you out there are wondering to yourselves
why I keep on reviewing these seventies television movies. Surmising that it
might be a lot better for me -- plus my site -- if I spend my time reviewing
much more modern flicks, instead of these antiquated slices' of cinema.
So to answer this question, dear reader, I'd like to
say that I'm the type of reviewer who puts the story before the production
values or any flavors of the month. To me the story is the key, and everything
else is merely cosmetic fervor that might possibly -- possibly -- enhance the
Now the way I see it 'Moon of the Wolf' justifies' my stance
in more ways than one. Not only because it's a good-sold film which tells' a
very intriguing murder-mystery. But in addition to this, you can also tell that
the cast, the story, and the setting for this piece -- Louisiana
-- has made it into what it actually is.
And what might that be? Well, if you
take the conceptual essence of such ongoing television series like 'Columbo' or 'Maverick',
and then amalgamate this component into something like 'The X-Files', what you
get in turn is this film in a can. Yeah. Straight up, dear reader! In my eyes
this adventure has that intriguing manner of setting up the premise, allowing
the characters to then unfold the plot, before relaying a fairly modest whodunit
you can't help but want to follow. This adventure is just like any other cop
drama made during this period, except its setting is more rural and timelier, plus
it involves a werewolf.
Oh! And while I'm on the topic of the noted... ahem... werewolf. Yes. This character does look crap on screen. As I'm sure the makers of this movie purchased it from the then seventies version of ebay. Also, something else I wasn't too keen on either, is that although the cast did a brilliant job of conveying the overall narrative, there were a few instances where needless back-story held up the nuptials. Particularly those two 'wolf hunt' scenes, plus that sub-plot where Barbara's character told David's character about her recent history.
Apart from that, though -- nah! -- this was a great film.
And these are its filmic facts. (1) The 'ABC Television Network' first
broadcast this production on the exact same day Norway
was rejected membership into the 'European Common Market'. It was on the 26th of September, 1972 . (2)
Loosely translated, this project was entitled 'At the Mercy of the Werewolf' in
Finland ; 'The
Wolf of the Night' in France ;
and 'The Hour of the Wolf' in Germany .
(3) The majority of this movie was shot on location throughout the American
state of Louisiana . This includes
such places as Clinton and Houmas House Plantation, located in Burnside. (4)
This made for television film was limply based on a 1967 Gothic horror novel of
the same name, written by the noted journalist, Leslie H. Whitten. (5) It's
been implied that the popular television series, 'The X Files', was inspired by
this adventure, as well as Jeffrey Grant Rice's 'The Night Stalker' series of
films. (6) The taglines used to promote
this picture, was, 'Deadly secrets emerge from the shadows when the full moon
rises!'. (7) The poor chap who wrote the opening credits for this film made one
slight error upon the screen. When he transcribed the date of production into roman
numerals, he left out an 'X', thus implying it was made in 1962 [MCMLXII] and
not 1972 [MCMLXXII]. (8) After this flick drew the curtains, David Janssen
starred in the TV Movie, 'Birds Of Prey'; Barbara Rush starred in the TV
series, 'Maude'; and Bradford Dillman starred in an episode of the popular
crime-drama, 'Columbo'.
Overall I'd say 'Moon of The Wolf' is a very solid and
interesting movie to sit down and watch. All of the actors in it were great.
The story-line it ultimately put across was an evolving one. And as push comes
to shove, the only thing that let this movie down was the fur off of the wolf's
Nuff said.
Reviewed by David Andrews
July 17, 2014