Ten Thousand Dollars For A Massacre
Hello, Manuel (Claudio Camaso). Do you remember me? I'm that
bounty hunter you once met in a card game. Django (Gianni Garko). We played a
few rounds together before a couple of poe faced bandits tried to fill me full
of lead.
Anyway, Amigo, the main reason I'm here, today, is because some
guy with a very convincing beard has asked me to retrieve something you currently
have in your possession. It's his daughter, my friend. His beautiful young
daughter named Dolores (Adriana Ambesi).
Hey! Don't worry yourself, Manuel. I quickly turned down his
proposition because he wasn't offering me enough money. And on top of that, I'm
also thinking about leaving town for San Francisco
with my better half, Mijanou (Loredana Nusciak).
Then again, that's most probably why what next transpires
all kicks off when a very convincing beard gives me an offer I can't refuse. As
a fat lady loves to dance - an unholy pact turns into a game of chance - a good
guy gets buried up to his neck - and at the end of the day, the bad guys are
shuffled back into the preverbal deck.
At face value 'Ten Thousand Dollars for a Massacre' looks
and sounds like any other Spaghetti
Western made in the sixties. You have the good guy with his designer stubble. You have the bad
guy with his menacing stare. Plus you have the jingly guitar music complimented
with a story-line that doesn't want to go anywhere too fast.
However, my friends, I'm happy to say that in this case all
of these factors were greatly enhanced with a number of discernible qualities that
I got a right kick out of.
To begin with I did like the way that you could distinguish
most of the principal characters -- which there are quite few of -- because
each of them had a visual nuance or tick that made them stand out from the rest.
For example, Django came across like the love child of Terrance Hill and Clint
Eastwood. Manuel reminded me of a younger version of Ramón from 'A Fist Full OF
Dollars', except he wore an awful lot of eye-liner. Plus the rest of the players
were a mixture of elderly vagabonds, fat lady's, skinny women, as well as token
side-kicks with some rather obvious character traits.
Something else I also enjoyed about this movie was how its
general narrative appeared to evolve over time. It started off as your usual
hunter / hunted type scenario. It then progressed into some sort of unholy
alliance, where both the good guys and the bad guys were singing from the same
prayer sheet. After that, though, well, thing really went back to your more
conventional show-down shindig. You know. Where a man's got to do what a man's
got to do, yadda-yadda-yadda.
Also, there was this one scene that I best mention. It was
the one where Django was buried up to his neck in sand, and had the threat of a
deadly scorpion looming over him. Honestly, folks. It was one of those
scene-steeling death-traps you can't help but wonder how he's going to get out
But as I said, folks, my gripes are generally small and
they're mainly associated with its overall narrative. Those were the gripes.
These are the filmic-facts. (1) 'Flora Films' first released this production in
Italy on the
exact same day the United States
started performing nuclear tests on a new Nevada
test site. It was on the 3rd of March,
1967 . (2) Loosely translated, this project was entitled 'Django
Kills for Money' in Brazil ;
'Django Vendetta' in Denmark ;
and 'Shooting Star for Two Animals' in Japan .
(3) In 2007 this film was included in a Spaghetti Western retrospective held at
the '64th Venice International Film Festival'. (4) One of the Italian production
companies who developed this flick, Zenith Cinematografica, was in the business
between 1962 to 1976, and during that time they developed fifteen movies in
total. (5) This adventure was one of the many unofficial Django sequels, and during
pre-production it was given the working-title, '7 Dollars on Django'. (6) That
nice Italian chap who directed this film, Romolo Guerrieri, also directed such
action adventures as 'Young, Violent, Dangerous', 'City Under Siege', 'Covert
Action', and 'The Police Serve the Citizens?'.
(7) This was the only screenplay Franco Fogagnolo ever wrote throughout
his years in the industry. Later on he would become an administrator, a
production manager, and a second unit AD. (8) After this picture prepared some
pasta, Gianni Garko starred in the drama, 'Days of Blood'; Loredana Nusciak
starred in the rom-com, 'Tiffany Memorandum'; and Fidel Gonzáles starred in the
adventure, 'Mad Heart... Mad as a Hatter'.
Overall I'd say 'Ten Thousand Dollars for a Massacre' was a
surprisingly good film to sit down and watch. Granted, it's no 'Good, Bad, and
the Ugly'. But what it is, is a fairly nice slice of sixties cinema that is
defiantly a cut above the rest.
Nuff said.
Reviewed by David Andrews
July 10, 2014