The Cowboy and the Indians (1949)
Hi, Doc (Sheila Ryan)! Do you remember me? I'm Gene Autry (Gene
Autry). We met the other day when I asked you to help out that sick old lady
who was dying of starvation. Anyway, one of the main reasons I've come to your school, this evening, is to discuss with you how our fellow
Americans are mistreating our native brethren.
Well, as I'm sure you already know, recently I've come to
the realization that there are two types of 'white folk' living within the
vicinity. On the one hand there are people like us who will try their best to
educate and defend this rustic race. Where as on the other hand there's a fairly
devilish contingent -- like 'Smiley' Martin (Frank Richards) and his cronies,
for instance -- who will do their worst to swindle, scam, and basically steal
from the Indian's whenever they see fit.
So what should we do about it, Doc? Have a song and dance
and hope for the best? Or what about if I trick your pupils into getting flu
But then again, that's most probably why what next transpires
becomes timorously action-packed, when we hear the dreadful news that Lakohna (Jay
Silverheels) has been accused of killing one of his own. As a sheriff completely
loses the plot - a singing cowboy is a pretty good shot - a bad-guy's aim isn't
very quick - and at the end of the day, look out folks, for here comes old Saint
Essentially 'The Cowboy and the Indians' is a message movie
that conveys how certain American people have mistreated their Native American counterparts.
Of course, this being a Gene Autry movie too, it does so in a very no-nonsense yet
charming manner. As it sets up scenes, adds a couple of tunes, and then tells a
fairly mumbled tale which I'd say can easily be divisible by two.
Well, whilst the first half of this adventure defines who
were the good guys and who were the bad guys, the second half concentrates on a
fairly long and drawn out 'hunter / hunted' type scenario.
Personally speaking, I much rather preferred watching the
first half, myself. From my point of view the actual story-line -- even though comparatively
jumbled in tone -- had a very warming and congenial manner of setting things up
whilst conveying character and pathos. Heck, one of my most favorite scenes in
this entire film was when Gene tricked the school children to be vaccinated,
despite it not being an integral part of the overall premise.
Also, I best mention that I loved hearing Gene singing his
country and western songs. OK. I know this type of tune is an acquired taste,
folks. But my God, I'd go so far as to say that his singing ability far outshines
his acting ability.
In a good way, obviously -- as I'm not implying that Gene can't act. It's just that I found his performance came across rather stiff and wooden on occasion -- like at the beginning of the movie. Whilst at other times his presence and demeanor was so heartfelt he almost moved me to tears. Especially when you know he's trying to do the right thing for the right people at the right time.
In a good way, obviously -- as I'm not implying that Gene can't act. It's just that I found his performance came across rather stiff and wooden on occasion -- like at the beginning of the movie. Whilst at other times his presence and demeanor was so heartfelt he almost moved me to tears. Especially when you know he's trying to do the right thing for the right people at the right time.
Come on. Let's face it. Isn't it better to be a positive and
helpful person than being an evil and bitter one? As that's what is at the very
heart of this movie, you know -- being good is always a lot better than being a
money grabbing scumbag who wants to fill up their pocket less than their conscious!
On a lesser note, though, the only aspect about this
adventure that didn't float my boat were the action scenes because they felt
slow, monotonous, un-dynamic, and absolutely nothing like the following
filmic-facts. Ha! (1) 'Gene Autry Productions' first released this flick in America
on the exact same day "The Lone Ranger" first premiered on the ABC
television network. It was on the 15th
of September, 1949 . (2) Loosely translated, this project was
entitled 'The Cowboy and the Redskins' in Brazil .
(3) The majority of this movie was shot on location at Old Tucson, South
Kinney Road, Arizona ; plus throughout
numerous parts of the Californian state, Pioneertown. (4) Dwight Cummins, who
was one of the two writers assigned to pen this production, also wrote for
other such 'media cowboys' as 'Roy Rogers' and 'Buffalo Bill Junior'. (5) That nice
English chap who directed this movie, John English, was in the business between
1935 to 1966, and during that time he has directed such television shows as
'Lassie', 'Broken Arrow', 'State Trooper', and 'Mike Hammer'. (6) Excerpts from
this movie can be seen in the 2003 TV movie, 'Images of Indians: How Hollywood
Stereotyped the Native American'. (7) Gene Autry's real name isn't Gene Autry.
It's Orvon Grover Autry, and he was born in Tioga ,
Texas , on the 29th of September, 1907 , and passed away in Studio
City , California , on the 2nd of October, 1998 . (8) After
this pow-wow danced around the camp-fire, Gene Autry starred in his next film,
'Riders in the Sky'; Sheila Ryan starred in the western, 'Mule Train'; and Frank
Richards starred in the film-noir, 'Thieves' Highway'.
Overall I'd say 'The Cowboy and the Indians' was a pretty decent
western to watch. Its message was a pertinent one in any day and age. The
acting styles were fairly bi-polar to say the least. And all in all -- yeah -- a
good job and a great movie that has compelled me to start watching more Gene
Autry films in the future.
Nuff said.
Reviewed by David Andrews
September 10, 2014