Top Gun
As soon as I came into town I couldn't help but notice
that nobody wanted me to be here, Sheriff Davis (James Millican). And do you
know what? I don't blame them, either. Especially if you take into
consideration my dubious track record!
So I suppose what I'm trying to say, my friend, is even
though I can understand why you won't allow me to help you repel
those raiders I told you about previously. What I don't understand is why anyone in
their right minds would trust that so-called businessman, Canby Judd (William
Hey! Don't get ahead of yourself, Sheriff. My feeling's for
this little twerp doesn't have anything to do with how he wrangled his way into
the affections of my childhood sweetheart, Laura Mead (Karin Booth). The reason I don't trust Canby is because he swindled my deceased mother out of her
property, plus I have a sneaking suspicion he's behind those raiders getting
ready for an attack.
Anyway. That's my two cent's worth. Take it or leave it. Me? I'm gonna leave. But then again, that's most probably why what next
transpires kicks ass when Canby comes up to me and says, 'Now before you go,
Rick Martin (Sterling Hayden), I'd like to offer you a very devilish proposition'.
As a Sheriff takes a fall - a gang of raiders have a ball - a two-sided pact
goes old school - and at the end of the day, a lone gunslinger is nobody's fool.
[ Sorry. No Trailer For This One, Folks ]
In a round about way 'Top Gun' reminded me of a watered-down
version of the 1952 Gary Cooper classic, 'High Noon'. Essentially it tells the
tale of a maverick gunslinger who comes into town to warn the local inhabitants
they're about to be attacked by a group of outlaws. And then, when he offers
them his services, for previously explained reasons they turn him away, even
though deep down inside these people know their going to need his noted assistance
sooner or later
Now please don't get me wrong, dear reader. My
'watered-down' remark wasn't meant to be taken as a slight. By in large this
timely western was very well acted and very well produced. Plus I have to admit
that I did enjoy how each of the characters were cleanly defined within the
confines of its premise. You had the good guys. You had the bad guys. You had
those businessmen. Plus you had the token love interest as well as the amicable
It's just that when you compare 'Top' to 'Noon ' -- which I'm afraid I have -- you can't help but
draw the parallels in each instance. In the case of this production for example,
it was still a pretty decent story-line to follow, despite it being slightly more diluted
than the previous '1952 standard'. What's more it also had that way of delaying
the inevitable -- especially where Sterling's character was concerned -- which
kind of made it slightly irritable -- especially if you've already seen 'High
Noon' and guessed the rest of the plot.
Again. No offence implied. Although I suppose what I'm
trying to say -- in a rather long-winded fashion -- is that you'll most probably
enjoy this western a lot more if you haven't watched the other Cooper classic

Overall I'd say 'High Noon'... errr... sorry... I mean 'Top
Gun' was a very good film for it's time. Sterling ,
William, Karin, and James really did help the plot with their precise
characterizations. And as for the plot on the other hand, well, yeah, that was
good too. For previously mumbled reasons.
Ha! Nuff said.
TOP GUN (1955)
Reviewed by David Andrews
October 28, 2014