Blood Money
Now please don't be offended, lady. But do you see the
Chinese feller standing next to me? Yeah. That's him. Ho Chiang (Lo Lieh).
Well, he would like to take a look at your pert ass please. No. Not just your pert
ass. Your ass plus three other nice ladies arses as well.
You see, many moons ago his Uncle Wang (Al Tung) stole a box of
treasure from a gang of Warlords back home in their native China .
And then, in his most infinite wisdom, he came here to the States and hid the
location of this loot by tattooing a message on four women's behinds. Yours' being
one of them, of course.
Unfortunately enough, Ho and I never knew anything about
this until his Uncle bit the biscuit a few days ago. And so, my dear, that is
why we're here to see you today. To take a look at your... well...
Then again, that's most probably why what next transpires
flashes the flesh when a pretty lady look's up at me and says, 'Sure, Dakota (Lee
Van Cleef). Your friend can take a look at my ass. But hurry up, will you?
Cause there's someone else who wants to take a look at it afterwards'. As two
bad guys are hot on the trail - some asses are bigger than a whale - a gambler
hits a ginormous Richter scale - and at the end of the day, a showdown results
in the Chinese Holy Grail.
On a conceptual level I'd say 'The Stranger and the
Gunfighter' is a thinly disguised buddy movie trapped inside a spaghetti
western and a kung
fu flick. Not that this is a bad thing, of course. But if you ever get around
to watching it, you will notice it uses these two idioms to convey a premise
of shrewd proportions -- favoring the western component only because a large
chuck of the narrative was set in the Wild West.
Again. Not a bad thing. If anything it was a really good
thing. So good in fact that I really loved the whole God damn thing! Honestly. It
had a simple premise that was episodic in structure, yet easy to follow. It had
some great on screen chemistry between its two main leads -- Lo and Lee. Most
of the locations exhibited a well polished sheen I wasn't expecting from this sort
of production. Plus on top of that, it possessed a very tongue-and-cheek tone
to it as well. Not too bawdy to turn it into a farce. Yet bawdy enough to allow
the plot to flow without anything superfluous' hindering its path.
Well, you know how some jovial tales can spend a lot of
their time setting up jokes which don't seem to reinforce their overall
narrative? Not in this case, my friends. The way I see it, even though the gags
worked within the confines of this adventure --
most of the time, anyway -- that still didn't stop it from conveying
character, story, and pathos, whilst entertaining us -- the audience -- in that
very buddy movie type manner.
Now don't get me wrong. On the flip side of things there were a couple of aspects I weren't too happy about either. To start off with I wasn't very keen on the two main villains -- the priest and the native american character -- because their presence wasn't felt until the last third of
this flick. Plus as much as I did like the dubbing on Lee's and Lo's voices --
especially Lo's, due to his more lighter pitched tone -- the rest of the cast
members where... errr... how can I put this? Oh! I know. Either bordering on archetypical,
or downright cheesy.
But apart from that, my friends, everything else was right
up my alley. The action was dynamic even if it did take a back seat at times to
the general story-line. And as for Lee's and Lo's performances -- wow -- what a
great surprise that was! They were so genuinely wonderful together I'm flabbergasted
they never made a sequel afterwards. So flabbergasted in fact, that I now have
to direct you towards the following filmic facts, Ha! (1) 'Shaw Brothers' first
released this production in Spain
sometime in 1974. Not sure of the exact date, though, although it was defiantly
screened at the latter half of the year. (2) Loosely translated, this project
was entitled 'The Karate, The Colt and Impostor' in Spain ;
'Gunslinger and The Stranger' in Sweden ;
and in America
it was given the alternate title, 'Blood Money'. (3) One of the taglines used
to promote this picture, was, 'The fastest gun in the West joins with the most
brutal hands in the East!'. (4) Even though some of this movie was shot on
location within the Chinese province
of Hong Kong , some of it was also
shot on location in Spain ,
too. This includes Almería, Guadix, and La Calahorra, based in Granada ,
Andalucía. (5) If you listen very closely to the Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson
2000 kung fu / comedy, 'Shanghai Noon', you will hear one of them refer to
Lee's character in this film... Dakota. (6) It is believed that Shaw Brothers
developed this adventure because they wanted to branch out into a wider and
more lucrative audience. An example of this can be seen in another one of their
co-productions with Hammer, 'The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires', released in
the same year. (7) Something else you should listen to very closely is the
soundtrack for this shindig. Yes. 'Rye Whiskey' was sung by Lee
Van Cleef. (8) After this adventure shot its last bean sprout, Lee Van
Cleef starred in the western, 'Take A Hard Ride'; Lo Lieh starred in the
crime-drama, 'The Concrete Jungle'; and Patty Shepard starred in the comedy,
'Watch Out, We're Mad'.
Overall I'd say 'The Gunfighter and The Stranger' was a
really great film. Even though it was more of a buddy movie than anything else,
that's not to say it isn't still one hell of a great watch.
Just like a pert ass. Nuff said.
Reviewed by David Andrews
November 11, 2014