Whenever you see the color red what do you normally think of? A stop sign, perhaps? The cape of a Spanish bullfighter? Or what about that time you accidentally got caught sleeping in the pond with no clothes on? Well, whatever the case may be, whenever I think of the color red I always think of one, and only one, person. Alexandria the Red. It's over to you, baby.
1) What are your own origins, Alex? Plus what path did you take in life prior to getting to where you are today? I'm from Orange County California and I'm 22 years old. I have been a geek all my life, though in high school I chose to hide who I was in order to fit in. This was a huge mistake and I regret it daily.
After high school I became much more comfortable with my interests. I first discovered cosplay in 2011 at a movie premiere. I knew it was something I had to try. So I taught myself to sew using internet tutorials and attended my first convention in 2012.
1) What are your own origins, Alex? Plus what path did you take in life prior to getting to where you are today? I'm from Orange County California and I'm 22 years old. I have been a geek all my life, though in high school I chose to hide who I was in order to fit in. This was a huge mistake and I regret it daily.
After high school I became much more comfortable with my interests. I first discovered cosplay in 2011 at a movie premiere. I knew it was something I had to try. So I taught myself to sew using internet tutorials and attended my first convention in 2012.
2) What are the most persistent comments you’ve received from your followers? I receive many messages from women saying I've inspired them to be more self confident. I am considered a curvy girl by most people and I think that the level of comfort I display makes spectators think twice about their own insecurities. Just because you don't look the way society wants you to look doesn't mean you don't have a right to feel beautiful.
3) What is your ‘regular’ job? And does it in any way shape or form aide you as a Cosplayer? I am a full time student working on a communications degree with an emphasis on public relations. I do hope my degree will help with my cosplay career. Its very important to me to graduate with a bachelors degree. I may be a model, but I am by no means ignorant.
4) How did your friends, family, and work colleagues first react to the news that you like to cosplay? My boyfriend is fully supportive because he cosplays as well. I actually met him at a con. My sister and dad are very encouraging. On the other hand, my mother thinks cosplay is a waste of time and money. It used to hurt, but I've realized I don't need her approval if I'm doing what I love and I'm happy doing it.
5) How do you decide what Cosplay costume to wear for a convention? And who makes them? I have a list of about 20 characters long that I'm constantly adding to. I joke that I can't see any more movies or play any new games because I will keep adding to my list.
I make all of my own cosplays. The exceptions are prop pieces that are beyond my skill level. I don't have a workshop with power tools readily available!
I make all of my own cosplays. The exceptions are prop pieces that are beyond my skill level. I don't have a workshop with power tools readily available!
6) What have you learnt about yourself whilst Cosplaying? And were their any unforeseen obstacles you had to content with? Before cosplay I was very self conscious and hated posing for photos. When I started cosplaying, my confidence grew, not because I was receiving compliments on my looks, but because I received compliments on my craftsmanship. There is something so satisfying about making something with your own two hands. I was also able to get a better sense of what my strengths and weaknesses are. When you know your limits, you can constantly test them by toeing the edge. You might fall a few times but eventually you might fly.
7) What was the best / worst convention you ever attended? I adore Wondercon. It's in my hometown and I love the size. SDCC has become too much for me in terms of the volume of people allowed into such a small area. As for worst convention, it shall remain unnamed.
7) What was the best / worst convention you ever attended? I adore Wondercon. It's in my hometown and I love the size. SDCC has become too much for me in terms of the volume of people allowed into such a small area. As for worst convention, it shall remain unnamed.
8) What would be your dream Cosplay gig and outfit? My dream gig would be to model for Pinup Girl Clothing. My dream cosplay is Scarlett O'Hara's red evening gown from Gone with the Wind.
9) Has their ever been an outfit you just did not like wearing? And if so, why? Do heels count? I rarely include heels in my cosplays because I can't handle them for more than a couple of hours. I have extremely flat feet and usually live in converse on my days off.
10) Do you have a credo you live by? The Golden Rule: Treat others the way you would want to be treated
And on that note, dear reader, I'd like to thank Alexandria for telling us about her life as a cosplayer, before directing you towards her great facebook page. Go on. Have a click. But if you do, always remember to be nice.
Reviewed by David Andrews
January 30, 2015