Song Of Arizona
Now I know I should have told you about your father's death earlier,
Chip (Tommy Cook). But please, you've got to believe me, son. I do have a valid
reason that would justify my delay.
You see, prior to his passing, your old man decided to
change the error of his ways, and asked me to ride on out to Carson City so I
could do two things on his behalf. Firstly, he told me to inform your half-sister Clare
(Dale Evans) about his tragic demise. And then, whilst I was there, he also gave
me permission to sell his garage for your schooling costs at Gabby
Whittaker's (George Hayes) school for boys.
Well, as you may have heard, Chip, Gabby has been having
quite a few financial difficulties lately. And now... errrmmm? He still has
some financial difficulties because your father's garage burnt down quite some
time ago, and I wasn't able to raise the funds required.
Nonetheless. That's most probably why what next transpires
all gets rather rhythmical when you look up at me and say, 'Well, if you think
Gabby's been having some problems, Roy (Roy Rogers), what about me then? I was
abducted by my father's henchmen who tried to get me to tell them where he hid his
ill gotten gains!!''. As a musical number takes center stage - a family drama searches
for a meager wage - a school is funded by some stolen loot - and at the end of
the day, my God, isn't Gabby Hayes one hell of a hoot!
Essentially I'd say 'Song of Arizona' is one of those great
poetic film's that tells a sad tale full of pathos, family spirit, financial
difficulties, as well as the sanctity of good old fashioned western values.
Now it starts off in a very simple fashion, really -- conveying that Gabby desperately needs some money so he can finance his
school for boys. It then segways into a family drama, where we see a tough
looking outlaw -- as played by Lyle Talbot -- kick the bucket, thus paving the
way for Roy to see if he can make the best out of a bad situation.
And he does, in a manner of speaking. But prior to this, the
'family drama' portion of the plot takes precedence -- giving Roy, Gabby, Tommy, and
Dale, a very good sounding board to convey all the emotions needed to
transform this great movie into a really marvelous movie.
Honestly, film fans. It was as though the very heart of it
shone through all of those great scenes it had on offer. For instance, you couldn't help but
feel sorry for Tommy's character when the bad-guys roughed him up for his
father's money. You couldn't help but cheer Roy
on when he managed to get his hands on those said-same bad-guys. And you couldn't
help but feel for Gabby's plight when he got shot, or when the threat of
loosing his school loomed over him.
Also, something else about this movie I thoroughly enjoyed
were those two fairly elaborate musical productions' too. Now the first one
involved Roy and Dale doing a very country and western styled double-act set
during a rodeo show. Where as the second one was a Halloween themed piece,
where we saw Gabby and a little boy -- who dressed up like him -- doing a more
cutesy styled number that was just adorable to follow!
As per usual these segments allowed for the narrative
to breathe within the confines of its plot. As well as allow us -- the audience
-- to sit back and have some fun while we wait for whatever else is going to
come up next.
A good example of this can also be seen in those scenes
where the two school boys tried to play a trick on that old woman's Grandson. Well, without
giving too much away, let's just say this flicks jovial focal point shone
through both of these two segments. Showing us that one way or another, the moral
to this tale is... what goes around, comes around, hint-hint.
Anyway. By now I'm sure you got the basic gist of what I
thought about this wonderful western. So why don't we all now sit back, relax,
and check out the following filmic-facts. (1) 'Republic Pictures' first
released this production in America
on the exact same day Ted Williams refused $500 thousand dollars to play in the
Mexican Baseball League. It was on the
9th of March, 1946 . (2) The majority of this movie was shot on
location at 'Iverson Ranch', Chatsworth, located within the Californian state
of Los Angeles . (3) Way before
heading off to Hollywood and
directing this movie, Frank McDonald was once employed as a railroad worker,
maintaining the trains. (4) There are two versions of this film now available
to the public. There's the original 68-minute version, as well as an
edited-down 54-minute version. (5) After writing the basic story-line for this
flick, Bradford Ropes wrote two films for Abbot and Costello called 'Buck
Privates Come Home' and 'The Time of Their Lives'. (6) Gabby Hayes' real name
isn't Gabby Hayes. It's George Francis Hayes, and he was born in Stannards ,
New York , on the 7th of May, 1885 , and died in Burbank ,
California , on the 9th of February, 1969 . (7) If you look closely at that
scene where the calf escapes from the rodeo with a lariat draped around its
neck, you'll notice that when Roy and Dale eventually recapture it, the lariat suddenly
goes missing. Ops! Slight continuity hitch! (8) After this shindig sung for the
saps, Roy Rogers starred in his next adventure, 'Rainbow Over Texas'; Gabby Hayes
starred in the western, 'Badman's Territory'; and Lyle Talbot starred in the
film-noir, 'Strange Impersonation'.
Overall I'd say 'Song of Arizona' is a great movie, because
it's well acted, well directed, and has some lavish musical numbers and a great
moral centre too.
Look after others, and they will look after you.
Nuff said.
Reviewed by David Andrews
January 08, 2015