The Yellow Rose of Texas
When we first heard the shocking news that your father bust
out of prison, Betty (Dale Evans), you gave me the distinct impression you
didn't want to see him anymore. But hey! Look where we are now? We're here --
standing in his cabin -- with your dear old Dad trying to explain to me that he
didn't steal any of the money he was arrested for, it was somebody else.
So I tell you what, my lovely. My old pal Buster (William
Haade) and myself are going to look into this matter on your behalf. Yet we will only do so
if your father promises us that he won't get into any more mischief.
Besides, if the police ever spots him, I'm sure they'd take out their guns and...
Besides, if the police ever spots him, I'm sure they'd take out their guns and...
Oh! Never mind. But then again that's most probably why what next
transpires all rides the range when Buster says to me, 'Well, it looks like you got
us into another fine mess, Roy Rogers (Roy Rogers)'. As a daughter dances on a
table - a wounded Daddy bleeds in a stable - an insurance man collects his wage
- and at the end of the day, a final showdown is shot on a stage.
Over the last couple of weeks I've gotten a lot of stick
from readers and friends alike for reviewing these wonderful Roy Rogers movies.
'Why the hell are you reviewing those for?' said one of my regular
commentators. Where as another one stated that Roy 's
adventures should be long forgotten like many other westerns made during this
era. Well, where I'm concerned, they can all go stick their opinions where the
sun don't shine. Cause to me Roy Rogers and his marvellous films are a
testament to both the man and everything he stands for.
Take this film for instance. 'The Yellow Rose of Texas '.
Essentially it's about Roy proving
the innocence of a relative stranger for a crime he didn't commit. And like
always, it's garnished with the usual song and dance numbers, complemented with
a couple of jovial scenes added for good measure. I mean, what's wrong with
that, eh? What could possibly be wrong with a moralistic movie about a man
standing up for what he believes in? I don't have a problem with it. So I don't
see why anyone else should either.
OK. I have to admit. Stylistically these stories aren't the
most well polished I've ever seen. Plus on occasion the formula these films
adder to can be fairly repetitive by default. But having said that, my friends,
frequently they also try to do something different as well! Like the inclusion
of the Buster character seen in this yarn for example. And whenever this does
occur, I tell you something for nothing, a story is told, a moral is conveyed,
and a great film is always produced.
Also, something else about this flick I found rather
different was how it had a detective like angle to it. Made even more official
when Roy was given the role of
Insurance claims man, who was out on a mission to find some stolen loot. Now from
my point of view this bold take did surprise me quite a lot at first glace -- as
I don't think I've ever seen Roy
fill this sort of role before. Still. Something new was added to this series,
and once again proves to me that it does have its place in cinematic history.
Anyway. Before I fall off my soap box, I'm sure by now
you got the basic gist of what I felt about this fairly fine film. It was good
film, and well deserving of the following filmic-fact. (1) 'Republic Pictures'
first released this production in America
on the exact same day the Battle of Normandy began. It was on the 24th of June, 1944 . (2) Loosely
translated, this project was entitled 'Rose Of Texas' in Brazil ,
where as every other country stuck to its original yellow tinted title. (3) The
majority of this movie was shot at 'Iverson Ranch', Chatsworth, located within
the Californian state of Los Angeles .
(4) One of the taglines used to promote this picture, was, 'A Thrill-Fest
You'll Long Remember. As Your Cowboy King Flashes Across The Screen In His Most
Exciting Adventure!'. (5) There are two versions of this film now available to
the public. There's the original 69-minute version, as well as an edited-down
54-minute version. (6) Throughout their eighty-one years in the business, the 'Sons
of the Pioneers' have performed songs in exactly ninety-nine different movies.
Wow! Talk about longevity. (7) The director of this flick, Joseph Kane, is best
known for directing such western stars as John
Wayne, Gene
Autry, and of course, the one and only Roy
Rogers. (8) After this shindig smelled a sunflower, Roy Rogers and Dale
Evans starred in their next western together, 'Song of Nevada'; whilst Grant
Withers starred in the murder-mystery, 'The Girl Who Dared'.
Overall I'd say 'The Yellow Rose of Texas' is a pretty
decent picture for its time. A story was conveyed. A number of songs were sung.
And as push comes to shove -- yeah -- good job -- good job all round for
another amazing adventure by Roy
and his gang.
Nuff said.
Reviewed by David Andrews
January 01, 2015