Yeah. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that it's a blooming stupid idea to get together the characters from both the DC and Looney Tunes Universe. But no, it's not a stupid idea, folks. Far from it. In fact it's a downright fun idea, super fun, as fun as a transvestite bunny rabbit chatting up the King of the seven seas. Know what I mean? Wink-Wink! Splish-Splash. Say no more. NOT!
Always remember to buy a bird when it's going cheep. You may now laugh. |
Damn, Speed Force! Why can't it be a bit more selective with it's choices? |
Kill the ra-bbit. Singing's a ha-bit. Who wants to coha-bit? Superman don't. |
I'm not quite sure about this George, but I think we're in trouble. |
Oh! I thought I saw a puddy-taa... errrr... forget about it. |
Hi, fish-face. Is that a dolphin in your pocket, or are you just pleased to sea me? |
And with these rings I'll be lord of dogs! |
Ready. Aim. Pose!!!! |
The Dark Cat Returns, and this time he's despicable. Really despicable. |
Never has the expression, 'That's all folks', been more appropriate for a comic. |
Do you know what aliens like to read? Comet books! |
The only singing this canary will do,
is in the shower, or with...
Reviewed by David Andrews
December 09, 2015