TO QUOTE Edwin Louis Cole: 'God
never ends anything on a negative; God always ends on a positive'.
You know when you
watch a really big and long movie (and I do mean really long), and half way
through it you see a scene which kind of redefines the saga from there on in,
well, this issue of the Justice League is basically that scene. One part of it
was a fairly murky looking fight scene where people talked and punched the
living crap out of each other. Another part of it was an excuse to show that
Big Barda and Mister Miracle are still an item. Another part of it re-positioned
the heroes and villains to go wherever they need to go next. Another part of it
was an update on the Justice League of Gods. And yeah, that sort of thing. You
go here -- check. You kick that person there -- check. You kiss him -- check.
You get jealous because that person kissed whoever -- check. And so on, and so
on, until it was revealed that the sole purpose of this episode was to show
that one of the people in it was going to become a new, New God, Ta-Dah!
But not just any new,
New God, dear reader. A New God unlike any who have come before. A God that
basically now has the world at their finger-tip's and yadda-yadda-yadda,
blah-blah-blah, snore-snore, Amen!
Now for some fairly
spoiler free reasons I don't really want to divulge who this person actually
is. That said, however, it does become fairly obvious who it will be the more
you read this book. Wonder Woman mentions this person's name in an exposition-like sequence half way through it. Plus there is another cut-away scene
that kind of shows us that this person is still somewhere doing something while
the others are doing something else.
Ouch! That last sentence sounded very vague, didn't it? But then again, that is precisely what this issue
is in a nutshell. Vague. As much as I did enjoy reading Wonder Woman's opening
monologue at the start of the comic (loved the parable of Ino as a kid, and how
it fit into the Odyssey), as well as the way the plot set up the Gods, the heroes,
the villains, the context, and what is yet to come, at the end of the day
nothing overtly solidifying was really accomplished. Apart from saying hello to
Barda, some of the new God's going in search for the Anti-Monitor, and a big
fight that never went anywhere, all in all Justice League 46 was nothing more than a stop gap.
I do apologize for
being so negative, dear reader. As I did want to like this issue, honestly I
did. And thought I would when they started mentioning how Mister Miracle and Barda
will break into Belle Reve Prison and escape with two members of the Crime Syndicate. Yet when it became apparent that this was going to happen next month
rather than this month, well, once again, this was something else to add to the
setup for 'a later date pile' this issue did in spades.
Nice art by Francis
Manapul though. Very gritty. And like the previous parts of this much larger arc, the muted color pallet did aide it's telling at times,
elevating a somewhat mixed bag of a story into something much more palatable.
Oh! By the way,
while I'm on the subject of being able to digest something, does anyone know
what the Anti-Monitor is turning into, plus what would happen if he sat down on
Merton's chair? Apart from squash Batman of course. And do you think that this
was one of the main reasons Merton... coff-coff... 'allowed' Batman to sit on it
in the first place? To keep himself safe from the Anti-Monitors evolution?
Food for thought,
Our father, who art at DC. Darkseid be thy name. Monopoly be
thy game. A game of cat and mouse, as seen in this very issue. A issue that
reminds me of the Etta James' song, 'God's Song', simply because this very
issue needs some, and needs some quick. Amen.
In honor of Mister Miracle and Big Barda's union, I would
now like to compare this comic book to a porn movie. Well, the sight of
seeing them two together does remind me of the Mister Miracle series from back
in the Giffen-DeMatteis days. And to me, those days reminds me of.... errrr...
next question please.
At the very end of
this issue the new, New God, says something that I felt was pretty bizarre to
read. So, just for the shear hell of it, let's see if you can guess what they
say out of the following eight options.
- Put up your hand if you want a
- Because I just wash my hair and go.
- Who say's reality TV isn't productive?
- Because when I last smelt it, I didn't
dealt it.
- Can you spare some change please?
- Because her legs were open, that's why.
- Donald Trump's hair is made of curry.
- Because death is too good for Darkseid.
Nuff said.
Reviewed by David Andrews
January 13, 2016