Now if you've heard the expressions, 'Shake the lake', 'Hanging ten', or 'Planting the face', then I'm sure you've also heard about the nautical sport called wakeboarding. That said, however, have you ever heard about the comic book based on people who wakeboard? If not, then please check out the following interview I did with my pal Zach, who's the creator of...
Shake The Lake On Amazon
1) What are your own origins, Zach? At heart I'm just a kid from Montana. When I was young I would adapt to the changing of the seasons with my friends by being as active as possible. I would boat and wakeboard in the summer, ride dirtbike or play basketball in the fall, snowboard in the winter, and, drink beer in the spring. Ha! Just kidding, we'd drink beer AND white water raft.
Shake The Lake On Amazon
1) What are your own origins, Zach? At heart I'm just a kid from Montana. When I was young I would adapt to the changing of the seasons with my friends by being as active as possible. I would boat and wakeboard in the summer, ride dirtbike or play basketball in the fall, snowboard in the winter, and, drink beer in the spring. Ha! Just kidding, we'd drink beer AND white water raft.
2) What inspired you to create, ‘Shake The Lake’? One summer my younger brother and I, who owns the El3vated Clothing Company, were sitting in Bullhead City for the River Regatta. On the shore there was a wake skate event taking place and a thousand kids sweating their faces off watching Brian Grubb kick flip off a 10 foot bank. It was over 100 degrees so we put lawn chairs into the shallows of the Colorado River. I think my brain was frying but I thought, "All these wakeboarders need some entertaining content!".
Later that evening we chatted up the synopsis for 'Shake The Lake'.
Later that evening we chatted up the synopsis for 'Shake The Lake'.
3) In your own words how would you describe this story? It's really about the fun and excitement of those youthful summers that you want to last forever. You know, like that summer you were lucky enough to hang with your buds every day, chase the girls, play on the lake, get into a tiny bit of trouble.
4) What song would you say best represents this comic and why? Music plays such an important role in setting the mood. The time in my life I was most into music was between 2003 and 2007, and the best stuff was pop punk by the likes of 'Blink-182'. That style of music is an accurate representation of the energy and mood we're going for. However, making the graphic novel today, we want it to be relevant, but this generation's musical tastes are so different. I'd really like to write my way out of this question but I'll fold and just say, Kanye West: "Gold Digger", because a break-up over material needs is what kicks our main character "Callun" into gear and sets up the 'Shake The Lake' adventure.
5) If you could get a celebrity – either living or dead – to promote your wares, who would you choose, and why would you want to choose this particular person? Richard Branson. He's just the coolest guy, and he appeals to millennial, rebellious youth but still has a worldly impact.
6) What have you learnt about yourself through this endeavour? This is my first step into developing comic books and graphic novels, so I learned that I absolutely enjoy seeing stories come to life. Working with artists, illustrators, making edits and getting final pages is awesome.
7) During your time in this field, what is the one thing that has kept you in good stead? That would have to be the working relationship with my team. Great people, all of them, as they are very supportive and that's paramount in a creative field.
8) If ‘Shake The Lake’ had a motto, what would it be? Life. Love. Wake.
And on that note, I'd like to thank Zach for telling us about his comic book, Shake The Lake, before directing you towards his official North Air Entertainment website and instagram pages. And while your at it, please don't forget to pick yourself up a copy via Amazon.
And on that note, I'd like to thank Zach for telling us about his comic book, Shake The Lake, before directing you towards his official North Air Entertainment website and instagram pages. And while your at it, please don't forget to pick yourself up a copy via Amazon.
Reviewed by David Andrews
June 10, 2016
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