Picture the scene. Hell, round about tea-time, and you're waiting there in your brand new birthday suit, hoping for something funny to happen. When suddenly, from the corner of your eye, you spot a pink shaped person dawdling about in the corner. 'Who are you?' say's the person, 'and what are you doing here in Hell?'. 'Simple', you reply, 'I'm waiting around so I can read the following interview with Keith'. Keith, it's now over to you.
Keith Brown On Amazon
1) What are your own origins, Keith? I'm just a middle-aged man from the middle of Missouri in the middle of the United States, striving to reach the highest levels of mediocrity and hopefully give folks a chuckle along the way.
Keith Brown On Amazon
1) What are your own origins, Keith? I'm just a middle-aged man from the middle of Missouri in the middle of the United States, striving to reach the highest levels of mediocrity and hopefully give folks a chuckle along the way.
2) What inspired you to create, ‘The Wages Of Sin’? 'Wages' was inspired by a hack editorial cartoon I had done years previously. There was a cartoon contest I wanted to enter, and I entered it by submitting single panel stuff. However, when I saw that older toon I had done years back the idea hit all at once. Prior to that I had no interest in doing a strip.
3) In your own words how would you describe the premise behind this story? The premise is pretty simple, "Just another day in Hell", and who's to say what hell is anyway! Maybe we're in it right now?
4) What song would you say best represents this webcomic and why? That's an interesting question, although I don't have the slightest idea on how to answer it. There are many that would seem to be obvious but I would be more interested to know if the strip inspires a song in the reader.
5) If you could get a celebrity – either living or dead – to promote your wares, who would you choose, and why would you want to choose this particular person? When the animated version is playing out in my head I hear Gilbert Gottfried as the voice of Satan. One can wish, right?
6) What have you learnt about yourself through this endeavour? I am one sarcastic son-of-a-bitch, but in a good way.
7) During your time in this field, what is the one thing that has kept you in good stead? The thing that has kept me in good stead is that I have managed to create somewhat of an audience. Their support means more to me than they will ever know. I'm hoping someday someone may want to do an animated version, and if that happens, it will be because those who supported me gave me the will to keep going.
And on that angelic note, I'd like to thank Keith for telling us about his webcomic, Wages of Sin, before directing you towards his website, facebook, and twitter pages. And while your at it, don't forget to pick up Keith's book, It's an Extra Spooky Heebie-Jeebie Creepy Halloween, on Amazon.
8) If ‘The Wages Of Sin’ had a motto, what would it be? Relax, have a laugh. Don't take yourself too seriously and try not to hurt anyone. If you can do that I think you'll be fine. This ride is over far too soon. Make it count now. Don't worry so much about the afterlife that you forget to live this one.
And on that angelic note, I'd like to thank Keith for telling us about his webcomic, Wages of Sin, before directing you towards his website, facebook, and twitter pages. And while your at it, don't forget to pick up Keith's book, It's an Extra Spooky Heebie-Jeebie Creepy Halloween, on Amazon.
Reviewed by David Andrews
June 03, 2016
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