TO QUOTE Admiral
Ackbar: 'It's a trap'.
Over the last couple
of months we've seen Batman recruit a group of Arkham inmates, so he can use them to confront his semi-naked archenemy, Bane, who's currently in a fortified stronghold situated on the Mediterranean
Island of Santa Prisca.
Now overall Batman's
motives for doing this are pretty simple to explain: In his possession Bane has
the Psycho Pirate, and Batman need's the Pirate so he can cure
Gotham Girl of her ailments: Which, regrettably, he gave
to her at the tail end of the 'I
Am Gotham' storyline. What isn't so simple to explain, however, is
how part five of 'I Am Suicide', also known as issue #13 of Batman, puts
all of this to bed.
Well, if you've read
this book already -- SPOILER ALERT -- then you'd know that within the first few
pages, Amanda Waller, from the Suicide Squad, pops up in
the Batcave and tells Alfred that she's using Batman's mission as a ruse
so she can steal some of his top secret files: Which she does, as elaborated
upon further in the Justice League Vs Suicide Squad mini-series!
Once that scene plays out, we are then presented with the actual mission, which comprises of a number of sequences, loosely stringed together, where certain characters perform specific tasks so they can overcome the bad guys. This includes Punch and Jewlee (who aren't dead) making a life raft out of a huge wad of bubble-gum so they can make their escape, while Catwoman sneakily swap sides and disables Bane with one swift kick to the back. But before any of these events can be fully played out, Batman has to allow Bane to beat him up so Selina has the opportunity to deliver the kick!
Once that scene plays out, we are then presented with the actual mission, which comprises of a number of sequences, loosely stringed together, where certain characters perform specific tasks so they can overcome the bad guys. This includes Punch and Jewlee (who aren't dead) making a life raft out of a huge wad of bubble-gum so they can make their escape, while Catwoman sneakily swap sides and disables Bane with one swift kick to the back. But before any of these events can be fully played out, Batman has to allow Bane to beat him up so Selina has the opportunity to deliver the kick!
Like many of you out there, I'm not quite sure if I liked this concluding chapter or not. While a part of me applauded it's originality, another part of me wasn't too keen on its tone, its disposition, or if certain characters are being portrayed in a relatable manner. This can also be said about Batman's motives for recruiting this specific team! Admittedly, I can understand that some of this is due to him wanting
to be close to Selina again -- well, who wouldn't? -- as well as trying to aide
Ben get out of prison. But that said, he already has a team of heroes at his
disposal, namely, those heroes he's banded with in the pages of Detective Comics. Plus, while I'm on the subject of Ben, what was his role in Batman's
mission exactly? Was he just there so he could move Arnold into place? Hmmm? Most of this seems a
bit too suspicious to me. Forced even.
Now in stark
contrast to these crazy shenanigans, there were a couple of thing's that Tom King put into issue 13 that I personally thought was a cut above the rest.
Thing's like, how Arnold Wesker was utilized to counteract the Psycho Pirates
powers -- I thought that hand-puppet ploy was pretty innovative. Then there was
that whole segment at the end where most of these events were properly explained
-- which, let's face it, needed to happen.
Mikel Janin's art, on the other hand -- wow! -- that was
amazing! I just love the way in which he manages to counteract the hectic tide of the action with a smooth flow
of visuals which were well composed, well thought out, and well nice to look at
-- On a side note, I loved his interpretation of the Wall, as that looked very
original and authentic to me.
Talking about things
being authentic, this now brings us quite nicely onto issue 14 of Batman, also known as the first part of Rooftops. Here, we are
presented with a scenario where Batman and Catwoman both go out on a date
together. After the events of the previous issue, Catwoman has been given a
reduced sentence for her crimes, and now has to look forward to a life in
prison, namely, Blackgate Prison, rather than death in Arkham Asylum. But before Batman can cart her off, Selina asks him for one final
A date, a one night date
between the two of them, which result's in the whole tale being focused on what
the both of them get up to! And what is that exactly? Well, surprisingly
enough, what you'd expect. The first half of their date is focused on Batman
and Catwoman fighting crime throughout Gotham, with them both quickly
vanquishing such villains as Clock
King (Yawn), Magpie (Double Yawn), Signal Man (Zzzzzzz), Gorilla Boss (Ogga-Ogga), Ten-eyed Man (He needs an optician), Werewolf (By Midnight?), Copperhead (His hats must
stain), Amygdala (I like him), King Snake (I like him
too), Condiment King (Pass the Salt), Cavalier (Pass the sick
bag), Zebra Man (Bbbrrrg), Film Freak (I want a second
opinion), Mad Monk (Bless You), and Kite Man (Bless me). Where
as the second part of the date is focused on them both doing something Catwoman
likes doing, namely, stealing something valuable.
Of course I won't
tell you exactly what they steal as I think that I've said enough already. That
said, however, what I would like to mention about issue 14 is how well
constructed it was as an introductory story. Thanks to Mitch Gerads' stylish artwork, this
chapter is pure film noir; jam packed with vast cinematic landscapes, a muted
color pallet, plus a slower pace which incrementally got faster and faster. I
also liked the way in which both Bat's and Cat's spoke to each other in a very
open and Frank manner. It was as though Tom King saw Double Indemnity before he wrote this comic, and took from it
the idea of a relationship that's doomed to failure, despite the odds.
Admittedly, Bruce and Selina's relationship isn't doomed yet. Yet having said that, we still have one more
chapter to go, and I hope that it manages to tell us: (1) What's next for this
diametrically diverse duo? And (2): Did Selina kill off all those people? And
if she did, how come Batman thinks otherwise?
At the end of issue 13, I suspect that Bane will go off to
his room and play the following song by Justin Timberlake.
Well, now that he has a bad back, he may need to bring sexy back? Plus while I'm on the topic of things being sexy, being sexy is definitely at the heart of issue 14. Wink-wink! Ouch! Pun Alert!!
Last year, a friend and I wrote a number of dating themed
posts, relating to what certain superheroes
would do on a date. Maybe Tom King has had a look at some of these posts,
and thought that he'd show us what they'd do in issue 14 of Batman. Otherwise,
as previously stated in my review, he probably watched Double Indemnity. Here, check it out and tell me what you
At the very end of
issue 14, Batman and Catwoman do something that some of you might be able to
guess. So go on, guess, out of the following eight options. As do they...
- Dress up as Superman and Wonder Woman.
- Vogue.
- Beat the crap out of each other.
- Play Monopoly.
- Go to a disco.
- Swipe right on Tinder.
- Predict what Barry Allen's date was like
with Iris West.
- Shag.
Nuff said.
BATMAN #13 & #14
Reviewed by David Andrews
January 23, 2017
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