TO QUOTE My Crazy Uncle George: 'You can only catch flying fish with a kite'.
If you're familiar with the expression about someone, or
something, being stuck between a rock and a hard place, then I'm sure you'd be
able to get the basic gist of the following two episodes of Batman.
Last month it was established that one year after the
events of Zero Year the Joker and the Riddler were at war
with each other and that Batman wanted to stop them, once and for all. So in
order for him to do this, he met up with Charlie Brown, a lowly
barfly, so through him he'd be able to arrange for a meeting with the Crown Prince of Crime.
Surprisingly enough, his plan worked, as Charlie got
Mister J's contact details from a mutual acquaintance, namely, Floyd Lawton,
also known as the marksman, Deadshot, who he previously met when Floyd needed
Charlie's skills in the aerodynamics division, same can be said for the
Problem was, as soon as he got these details and made the
appropriate arrangements, suddenly, from out of the blue, Charlie got
abducted by Clayface, who quickly escorted him to the Riddler's
hideout. Once there, the Riddler coerced Charlie to expose these
arrangements or else he was going to kick his f@cking head in, which, yes,
you guessed it, he did, and eventually this led to everyone involved
getting into one hell of a gigantic battle.
But don't worry, the story doesn't end there. More's the
pity, because after this skirmish took place, the Joker escaped,
the Riddler escaped, and this left Charlie and Batman worrying over the
safety of Charlie's son.
You see, while this was going on, Charlie did his best to
spend some quality time with his young lad, also known as Charlie, doing
so by flying a kite with him in the park. But alas, this simple act of
parental bonding inadvertently caused his son to die of
poisoning. Stranger still, Charlie then took it upon himself to avenge
his son's death by teaming up with the Joker and transforming himself
into... ta-dah... Kite-Man.
So there you have it, folks; issue 27 of Batman in a
nutshell, otherwise known as the origin of Kite-Man: One of the Dark Knight's
most silliest looking foes. Although, if I wanted to be more pedantic
about it, I suppose I could say that he was originally one of Wonder
Woman's foes. But hey, this is post Rebirth continuity, so I suppose
anything goes, more or less, which funnily enough brings me quite nicely onto issue
Now if truth be told, this issue of Batman was a pretty naff
issue to read. The story is a continuation from issue 26 (the episode
before last), and tells the tale of… of… of... uhhh? Well, I'm not quite sure
actually. I suppose on some level it's about Jim Gordon trying to
organize a stalemate between our two warring villains. Whereas, on another
level, it's about Batman trying to stop a battle between Deadshot and Deathstroke,
sniper versus sniper, a battle in which quite a few people die, Batman
gets pissed off, and yeah, that's about it really.
On the whole I felt that this particular story was fairly indefinable
because of its lack of structure, cohesion, and grace. Case in point, at the
start of the book, we are presented with a scene where a semi-naked Jim Gordon
is forced to approach the Riddler and the Joker in regards to a possible
stalemate between the two of them. Yet while he's doing this, I couldn't help
but notice how their respective gang members, such as Poison Ivy, Mad
Hatter, etc, were standing around, like a heard of patient sheep, doing
nothing apart from what they were told.
I mean, does that seem like natural behavior for a group of
super-villains? It doesn't to me. Personally this felt very forced,
staged, and completely out of character. Are we supposed to believe that
Batman's rogue's gallery have suddenly been stripped of their personalities?
Also, how come some of them have a lot more experience than the Caped Crusader?
When did Deathstroke start obeying other people's orders so easily? Plus, how
did Deadshot increase his skill level so he could go toe-to-toe with Slade?
None of this makes any sense to me, not one little bit, and that kind of gives
the overall episode a flat, almost redundant quality, appearing like a
stop-gap between part one of this story-line and whatever else is going to
happen next.
But fear not, issue 28 does have at least one redeeming
feature, that being the great artwork provided by my old mate, Mikel Janin.
From start to finish he illustrated the hell out of this book (as per
usual), plus I particularly liked his lavish double page spreads, bold
montage sequences, and the amount of detail he put into each of his characters
was just amazing.
I must also applaud Clay Mann for his work on
issue 27. Primarily I appreciated the way he tried to keep in sync with
what Mikel has produced so far, as this subtle nuance made everything gel
more succinctly within the confines of the overall story-line. In addition to
this, his pacing for each scene was just exquisite, keeping in mind that I
wasn't too keen on Tom King's fractured approach in telling Kite-Man's
origin story.
Not that this was a major problem, of course, but tonally I
felt that this style of broken narrative did hinder its initial intent.
Seriously, was this tale supposed to be a comedy or a tragedy?
And if it was a comedy, how can you have a comedy when it features the death of
a young boy? Know what I mean?
Apart from that, though, all in all these two issues were a
fairly fine read. The artwork was amazing even though the stories were let down
by their lack of direction.
In honor of Kite-Man, I would now like to musically match
up these two issues with the Mary Poppins classic, 'Let's Go Fly a
Obviously this comparison is a pretty blatant one, but hey, it isn't
as blatant as…
...me comparing them with Charlie Brown? You know,
he's that character from the comic books and the popular cartoon! Plus he also
shares the same name as the main chap that features in issue 27.
Halfway through issue 28, Batman observes Catwoman
doing something to Kite-Man, presumably to link this story to the previous
one. So, for the sake of an easterly breeze, let's see if you can guess what she does to
him out of the following eight options? Could it be…
- Punch him in the face.
- Kick him in the nuts.
- Throw
him out the window.
- Slap him on the arse.
- Elbow him in the stomach.
- Head-butt
him on the head.
- Claw him on the chest.
- Scrub him with a toothbrush.
Nuff said.
BATMAN #27 & #28
Reviewed by David Andrews
August 15, 2017
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