TO QUOTE Eddie Cantor:
'You don’t only miss the scenery by
going too fast, you also miss the sense of where you are going and what for'.
At the end of last month's episode we saw Captain Cold getting himself ready to
beat the living daylights out of the Flash.
Which he does, in part, until August
Heart swiftly intercepts this fist-fight by deactivating a machine that
prohibits the fastest man alive from using his powers. As soon as that
happens, the Flash then quickly recharges his battery's, gets back onto his feet again, and
does his best to resolve as many issues as he possibly can.
Now this includes him capturing the Rogues, saving Cooperhead and
Kid Flash from a highly frigid
explosion, plus he even has some time to change into his civilian guise and
figure out who killed Turbine. To top it all off, he also manages to speak to the love of his life, Iris West! After all, given half a
chance he desperately wants to patch things up with her and make some sort of
But can he do this, and if he can, will Iris even consider
allowing him back in? Saying so while taking into account that
another adventure will soon be looming upon the horizon, an adventure which
features Kid Flash, Avery, Doctor Karver, Meena, Multiplex, the Black Hole gang, Raijin: the Master of Lightning, a big hairy brute who smells of bananas, plus a mysterious power source which stretches right back to the dawn of time!
Want to know more? Then please pick up issues
38 and 39 of the Flash today.
But before you do that, here, check this out...
Part One) RUSHED ON THE RUN: There's a part of me that really wants to praise issue 38 because it managed to
do so much stuff within one single
episode. Not only did it resolve one story-line and set up a couple of others,
but in addition to this, it was also fun, enjoyable, and pretty easy to read.
That said, however, the only thing I wasn’t too keen on was
how Barry’s problems were presented
to him, one, by one, by one, and more or less were quickly defined, instantly resolved, and then hastily
thrown away. Unfortunately this happened at least three times in total
and made the overall conclusion feel a little bit superficial, bordering on
the shallow. In all honesty I think it would have been a lot better if an extra
chapter was added so some more time could have been spent beefing-up certain
plot-points, such as that whole Copperhead situation as well as August’s change
of heart. It almost seemed as if someone held a gun at Joshua Williamson’s head and told him
to, ‘Finish writing this b@tch now’!
Apart from that, though, the adventure itself wasn’t all
that bad plus it did have some redeeming features. After all, it was
nicely illustrated, suspenseful to follow, and tonally it was very poignant to
read, especially the last part. In addition to this, it also managed to set up
a number of very intriguing scenarios I’d like to see more of!
Part Two) SORRY TO BE SORRY: Now with all due respect, can anyone really sympathize
with some of the emotional problems our heroes have to face on a daily basis? I
don’t think I can, not totally, because on occasion I find some of them to be
pretty far fetched and overly dramatic.
Take the situation Barry and Iris are currently dealing
with. Their split, so to speak. I mean, can any of us truly understand what it feels like to have our
partner kill the person who murdered one of our parents? For all our sake's I hope not, and goes to show that this particular plot-point isn’t completely
relatable, at least not on a totally realistic level.
Having said that though, I do like Barry and I do like
Iris, both of them, together, and to a certain degree I can partly -- I repeat,
partly -- understand where they’re each coming from. On the one hand I can
marginally empathize with Barry because he was trying to protect Iris from his double-life, while on the other, I can also
connect with Iris for being annoyed
with Barry because he put her in a situation that was way beyond her control.
Even so, I still hope the two of them can work something out, and from the
looks of it, issue 39 appears to be a
pretty good place to start. So good in fact, that I’m not entirely sure what Barry did
to turn Iris around so quickly!
Did the sight of his dead mother’s grave touch her so deeply she started to miss what she once had? Or alternatively, did their brief trip to the Watchtower impress her so much that she became enamored by his status in the League? Or could it have been something completely different? Like something he said, or the ample time they both spent apart?
Well, whatever the case may be, the first step to their
mutual resolution wasn’t made quite clear in this issue. But then again,
resolutions never are, so I suppose it only seems fitting, ha!
Part Three) BANANA-SPLIT: One of the main reasons Barry and Iris weren’t able to resolve their
differences was because the rest of issue
39 was interrupted by another story-line. Or to be more specific about it,
another adventure, one that will hopefully explain to us what caused the Speed Force Storm and how it’s
connected to the Black Hole
I presume from what we’ve seen so far that it’s somehow
linked to the power source which spurned Gorilla
City, and through this, he who must not be named, Gr@dd, then somehow tapped into it with a modicum of help from Raijin, the Master of Lightning.
Obviously their motivation's for committing such a deed hasn't yet been fully revealed. But at a guess, I think it must be something to
do with them wanting to get their revenge
on Barry! Or, you know, the usual plan for world
domination. Either way, whatever these details are, I would still like
to know if the storm was a deliberate act of violence, one part of a much
larger plan, or something else connected with the main characters. Come to
think of it, if Bonga-Bonga is somehow involved, what about the rest of the primates in Ape City ? Like Solovar for instance: The last time I saw him he had his ass handed
to him by one of his old adversaries! What’s more, how does any of this mess
fit in with the Black Hole gang, and is that why they snuffed out Doctor Karver? Interesting points, don’t you agree?
Part Four) DON'T FART ON ART : A few weeks ago I saw a message on
Instagram asking people if they 'liked Scott
Kolins’s artwork?'. And do you know what? I wasn’t quite sure what to reply!
Well, even though I’ve enjoyed his illustrative style for quite a few years, in
the same breath, I’m not a hundred percent certain why I actually like it! One
part of me feels that it can be a bit too minimal
at times, scratchy even, whereas
another part enjoys the way he composes his characters and gives them life, gives them emotion, and gives them a certain amount of vitality.
Just take a look at some of the images provided (as seen in issue 38) and I’m sure
you will know where I’m coming from. Scott is good, real good, but sometimes I
find his work fairly inconsistent,
and that's where he lets himself down. Not completely, mind you. Or otherwise
he wouldn’t be working for one of the big three. Plus I would also like to
mention that one of his biggest assets would have to be how he can vary his
style to suit the needs of the story, be it in an action scene, a slow paced
melodramatic moment, or even a stylish splash-page or double-page
Now to some extent I can say exactly the same thing about Carmine Di Giandomenico’s artwork for issue 39. Although, in his
case, Carmine’s style of art seems slightly more consistent and less busy
in comparison, especially when it’s being colored by Ivan Plascencia, who does a really good job at adding a very
dramatic tone to these proceedings. Dramatic and vibrant in fact, bordering on
the cinematic!
For this month’s musical match-up I’d like to select the Bob Marley classic, ‘Redemption Song’, mainly because of
those sequences where August Heart and Barry Allen talk about trying
to redeem themselves. It’s a very appropriate song, don’t you think?
Yes. That’s correct. I’m now going to compare these two
episodes to a banana. And do you
want to know why? It’s because a banana can make you go very fast if you
accidentally slip on it, plus I have a sneaking suspicion that at least one of the
villains featured may
enjoy eating them, wink-wink, and I’m not talking about Meena.
At the end of issue 39, Barry finally comes face to face
with the person behind the Speed Force Storm. So, out of the following eight
candidates, let’s see if you can guess who this person is? Could it be...
- Arion:
The Sorcerer from Atlantis.
- Meena:
The Mistress of Menopause.
- Zod:
The Killer from Krypton.
- Ass-Face:
The Butt of All Jokes.
- Larry:
The Looser of Leisure.
- Raijin:
The Master of Lightning.
- Zoom: The Sod of Speed.
- Grodd: The King of Kong.
Nuff said.
FLASH #38 & #39
Reviewed by David Andrews
February 07, 2018
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