I sometimes wonder why certain people are nostalgic about the 80s. On the one hand, it wasn't such a great decade, but on the other, it wasn't such a bad decade either! So, why? Eh? Why do some people fawn over it so much that they morph into a deer? Is it because of the big hair, the extra wide shoulder pads, or dare I say it, the plethora of prog-rock power-ballads it popped out by the picosecond? Or by the same token, could it have something to do with the following comic book created by my mate Eddie? Eddie, it's now over to you, pal.
1) What are your own origins, Eddie? I was born in Keflavik, Iceland, and bounced around a lot as a child (I come from a military family). So I spent most of my life in Florida and New York City but now I reside in sunny Los Angeles: All great places to acquire material for storytelling (especially Florida).
2) What inspired you to create, ‘Stroper’? Writing down ideas and stories wasn't cutting it for me anymore, so it was finally time to take it to the next stage and write a complete adventure! With the internet and social media growing by the day, getting stories out in the world is much more attainable, so I decided to take the leap.
3) In your own words, how would you describe this story? It's a science fiction story with a retro vibe and an 80s color palette, which blurs the lines between good and evil and leaves you somewhere in the middle. Rayguns, mullets, bubble helmets, and bad attitudes, all equal 'Stroper'.
1) What are your own origins, Eddie? I was born in Keflavik, Iceland, and bounced around a lot as a child (I come from a military family). So I spent most of my life in Florida and New York City but now I reside in sunny Los Angeles: All great places to acquire material for storytelling (especially Florida).
2) What inspired you to create, ‘Stroper’? Writing down ideas and stories wasn't cutting it for me anymore, so it was finally time to take it to the next stage and write a complete adventure! With the internet and social media growing by the day, getting stories out in the world is much more attainable, so I decided to take the leap.
3) In your own words, how would you describe this story? It's a science fiction story with a retro vibe and an 80s color palette, which blurs the lines between good and evil and leaves you somewhere in the middle. Rayguns, mullets, bubble helmets, and bad attitudes, all equal 'Stroper'.
4) What song would you say best represents this comic and why? To answer that I would have to say the Kenny Loggins song, 'The Danger Zone'. This story is all about the danger zones, politically, physically, and morally. Plus the 80s vibe goes with the esthetic.
5) If you could get a celebrity – either living or dead – to promote your wares, who would you choose, and why would you want to choose this particular person? This is a tough question but I would have to select William Shatner, and the reason for this is because he’s William Shatner.
6) What have you learned about yourself through this endeavor? The main thing I have learned through this endeavor is that a comic creator can never have enough coffee. Whereas the second thing I have learned is that taking an idea and producing it is a bigger undertaking than it initially appears, but with the right amount of determination it’s totally doable and really fun.
7) During your time in this field, what is the one thing that has kept you in good stead? Since I am fairly new to the comic creation process, I'd say so far what has kept me motivated are all of those indie creators who hustle every day, getting their work out into the world.
8) If ‘Stroper’ had a motto, what would it be? Extinction is bad for business.
And on that note, I'd like to thank Eddie for telling us about his comic book, 'Stroper', before encouraging you to check out his official website, instagram, and facebook pages.
And on that note, I'd like to thank Eddie for telling us about his comic book, 'Stroper', before encouraging you to check out his official website, instagram, and facebook pages.
Reviewed by David Andrews
June 29, 2018
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