Fast forward to May, 2022, and yes, I did pick up a copy of 'Evil Dead: The Game', and then spent the next several weeks hacking and slashing my way through a horde of the undead in order to get my hands on the lost pages of the Necronomicon. At a rough guess, I'd say I put in easily 50 to 60 hours of gameplay on my PS5, and during that time, I experienced a rather refreshing take on the tried and tested 'villain vs. four players' genre.
In many ways, you could compare this game to the likes of 'Dead by Daylight', 'Friday the 13th: The Game', and 'Predator: Hunting Grounds', mainly because they each share a somewhat similar premise: Loot, level up, fight the undead, and then get ready to fight the main bad guy at the end of each match. 'EDTG' also does an amazing job at bringing the movies to life by incorporating characters and locations seen in the franchise. This includes accurate depictions of characters like Ash Williams, Pablo Simon Bolivar, Scotty, and Henry the Red (with most of them voiced by the original actors who sometimes speak well-known pieces of dialogue… groovy!), as well as highly detailed maps and environments, such as the 'cabin in the woods' location from the original films. Heck, even the weather in this game looks amazing, as snow and rain can get in your way while you fight through hordes of Deadites to reach your objective.
Structurally, 'Evil Dead: The Game' is divided into two distinct classes: Survivor class, where you can play as a hero (Ash, Cheryl, Scotty, and Kelly), and Hunter class, where you can only choose the main villains (Kandarian Demons). In turn, both of these classes are broken down into a number of subclasses (Leaders, Warriors, Hunters, and Supports for the Survivor class, and the Warlord, the Puppeteer, and the Necromancer for the Hunter class), so, depending on what you pick, each of these subclasses will change how you and your team can play 'EDTG' and will most definitely add an interesting dynamic to each match.
Personally, I love being a part of the Warrior subclass. Not only because these characters have the most health and melee damage output, but in addition to this, they also have an extensive skill tree, temporary buffs, and over 25 weapons to play with. Saber Interactive has teased multiple DLC coming soon, which can only add to an already fantastic experience.
Out of curiosity, have you played 'Evil Dead: The Game'? And if so, did you enjoy it or did you hate it? Either way, please let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
Carl Hilliard is a fanboy from Ireland who loves delving into the wonderful world of popular culture. To find out more about Carl and his hobbies, please feel free to check out his TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter pages.
Reviewed by David Andrews
June 28, 2022

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