

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World - Cover 1 In 1963, United Artists released a classic comedy featuring a cast of colorful characters who compete against each other by driving across America in search of a briefcase full of stolen money. The comedy's called, 'It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World', and it was written by William and Tania Rose, produced and directed by Stanley Kramer, and stars so many legendary comedians and actors that I needed some help to tell you about each one. Want to know more? Then please check out the following infographic created by yours truly, along with my pal, Vince Gargiulo.

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It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World - The Main Players

Vince runs a website called www.inmemoriam2000.com, which memorializes famous actors and other well-known people. He also runs a corresponding YouTube channel that he frequently updates. So, when you have the time, please feel free to check them out by clicking on the links provided.

IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD - THE MAIN PLAYERS IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD - THE MAIN PLAYERS Reviewed by David Andrews on December 09, 2024 Rating: 5

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