Reservoir Dogs
Crime boss, Joe (Lawrence Tierney), and his son, Nice guy Eddie (Chris Penn), gather six men together to pull of a heist in a diamond merchants. However, I am afraid to say that this heist does not really go according to plan. Some of the members end up dead. Whilst some of the others members are left running scared.
THE PRESENT: Take Mr. White and Mr Orange (Harvey Keitel and Tim Roth) for example. Both of these thieves get away from the scene, although Orange is severely injured in the process.
Still, through pure cunning guile, Mr White is able to take Mr Orange to the pre-arranged rendezvous point – an abandoned warehouse in a deserted part of town – with the hope that one of the other felons can help him with his fallen college.
And does Mr White get this help? Err - kind of - on a vocal level. Mr Pink (Steve Busemi) shows up not so long after, who along with White, try to figure out what went wrong with the plan. Firstly, they jump to the realization that the actions of their co-conspirators, Mr Blond (Michael Madsen), where inanely psychotic during the ‘job’. And secondly, that there must be a ‘rat’ within there midst who tipped off the police as well.
THE PAST: Recently returned from 'out of town', Mr White tells Joe about his prior partnership dissolving, as well as discussing with him the heist that Joe has planned next.
THE PRESENT: Suddenly, out of the blue, Mr Blond show's his face. Sh*t! What do the guys do about this? Fight? Yes - for a bit. Until Mr Blond explains to Mr White and Mr Pink that he called Nice Guy Eddie on the phone about the disastrous heist, before showing them what he picked up along the way – a stray policeman – who they immediately beat the sh*t out of.
THE PAST: Mr Blond is a recently released criminal with strong ties to both Joe and Eddie. He visits Joe because his parole officer is giving him a hard time, and he needs someway of escape. Thankfully, Joe and Eddie offer him a suitable solution, plus a part to play in an up and coming heist too.
THE PRESENT: A punch or three later, Nice Guy Eddie shows up at the warehouse, and, just like them all really, is rather emotional about the fouled heist. But to be logical about it, he is even more erratic that the guys have left smashed cars outside on the pavement. And instructs Mr White and Mr Pink to help him remove these cars, retrieve the diamonds that Pink stashed away, plus agrees to get a doctor for Mr Orange, who appears to be at death's door by this time.
So what does Mr Blond do when they are gone, huh? It's just him, a dying Mr Orange, a beat up policeman, and a crafty conclusion that is as nutty as a bag of nut's in a nut convention. Well, that's why what next transpires does begin when Mr Blond does a little song and dance you see. As ear's go flying - a fruit goes lying - criminals go crying - and quite a few bad men end up dying.
When this film first came out in the early nineteen-nineties, I tried my best to resist watching it, for one reason, and one reason alone. "The director was called Quentin" I thought to myself. "And with a name like that" I continued, "plus a title called 'Reservoir Dogs', this movie must be some sort of stodgy period melodrama, made by some soft twat in a curly wig". However, as time past, and I started to hear things through the grapevine (no, not the song), boy-oh-boy, did I discover that I was wrong! Very-very wrong.
This crime-opus is a film for the ages, and manages to tell a somewhat simplistic film in a very novelised way. Structurally, this film is all over the place, going backwards and forward in time at a drop of a hat. But, to me, this actually gives this film some scope compared to other crime based movies.
Well, you have to remember, that the majority of this film is about a couple of crooks in a warehouse, talking about a heist that just went terribly wrong. But with the added flashback sequences inserted, it allows for character, plot, and suspense, to build and build and build, making the overall experience that much more memorable and enjoyable to follow.
Also, another thing that was very memorable, is the music played in this film as well. It just lifts it in places, and lowers it in others, sometimes contradicting what you see on the screen to what you feel in your heart.
Take the infamous ‘ear chopping scene’ for example. At first, the catchy tune on the radio gives you something to just hum along to. Then, it give you something to snigger at with Michael's dancing. And finally, it lends itself to horror, when, SNIP!
Plus, in addition to this, all the actors in the film aide it greatly too. Chris is very nice as Nice guy Eddie. Harvey plays age-ed gangster like only he can. Michael plays the madman as if he was one. Tim is the turn coat when you least expect it. Steve is the snide with the hide. And as for the rest? They just charm you with every move they make.
Here, check out some of these filmic-facts: (1) 'F*ck' is said 272 times in this flick. (2) The final print of the film was delivered just 3 days before its world premiere at Sundance. (3) Prior to getting any help from people in the industry, Quentin was going to shoot this film for $30,000 with a bunch of his friends. (4) Madonna didn't agree with Quentin's interpretation of 'Like a Virgin'. But she still gave him a signed copy of 'Erotica', stating 'It's not about dick, it's about love'. (5) The film's budget was so low that most of the actors used their own clothing as wardrobe. Heck, Michael Madsen even drove his own car. (6) The warehouse, where the majority of the film takes place, was once a mortuary full of coffins. Please note, Mr. Blonde sits on an old hearse not a crate. Moreover, Mr. Orange's apartment was upstairs to the warehouse. (7) Mr Blonde's real name is Vic Vega in this film. And he is the brother of Vince Vega, played by John Travolta in the film 'Pulp Fiction'. So says Quentin. (8) Quentin Tarantino had a bit of a hard time casting this movie. Initially he wanted James Woods to be in this film, presumably playing 'Mr Orange'. But Woods' agent refused without ever mentioning it to him. He also originally wrote the role of Mr. Pink for himself. Steve Buscemi and Michael Madsen originally auditioned for the roles of Mr. White and Mr Pink respectively. Samuel L. Jackson and David Duchovny auditioned for the role of Mr. Orange. Vincent Gallo turned down the role of Mr. Pink. Christopher Walken turned down the role of Mr. Blonde. And George Clooney read for the role of Mr. Blonde. Phew! (9) The lady that Mr White mentions in his flashback scene, Alabama, is a reference to Patricia Arquette's character from the film 'True Romance'. Also, she was originally intended to turn up and take part in the heist as well. (10) In the infamous ear chopping scene, Quentin considered using the song 'Ballroom Blitz' by Sweet. And instead of 'Little Green Bag', he originally thought of 'Money' by Pink Floyd. (11) According to Quentin Tarantino, Mr. Pink survive's at the end of the film. And (12) I love this scene...
All in all 'Reservoir Dogs' is one of those films you have to watch if you like a good movie. The story is expansive. The actors are great. The music is seventies inspired. And the whole package is just pure cinematic class in a can.
A classic heist film, although you never actually see the crooks performing the heist in it.
Reviewed by David Andrews
March 27, 2011