So what’s the STORY
morning glory?
This instalment of the 'Court of the Owls' saga, entitled
'Grey Son', is like a deranged monkey with Alzheimer's. It's vision of the past
is more melancholy than the future.
- Well, William Cobb can't help but recollects how he was guided to join the 'Owl gang' quite some time ago, due to the fact that his pregnant beaux's father, Burton Crowne, would not allow him to marry her. The git.
- Whereas, in the present, William beats the living ka-ka out of his Great Grandson, Dick (Nightwing) Grayson, because he is draped in another man's insignia.
- Still, you know what they say about youth, don't you? Ice-cold and straight to the point.
I liked the scene where Granddad William tries to disrespect
Dick's path in life by saying to him...
'Do you understand the significance of what you could have
become, Richard? The significance of what you betrayed? It's not just that you
were chosen by the court to help save Gotham ... it's
that you were bread for it. But what do you do now? None of it matters. None of
it works. You are just one more person who thinks they belong to, but will
never rise higher than second best'
Very grating words for Dick to hear, huh? Particularly since
some of these doubts have plagued his mind in the past.
What was the BEST
thing about this issue?
Overall this was a really great issue. I did like the notion
that William (Talon) Cobb was a protector of Gotham
City many years ago. As well as how
the Grayson family got their name in the first place. Very obvious in a not so obvious way.
What was the WORST
thing about this issue?
The fight between William and Dick was a bit to conventional
for my liking. Aesthetically it was just a series of grunts and punches that
ended up with a bit of a fizzle in the train station. Not a massive gripe.
Sure. But still a mite too pedestrian in the execution.
What was the most
CREATIVE thing about this issue?
STORY: Just like last issue, I did enjoy following a dual
strand storyline that asked questions and gave answers. I also liked the way
that the other parts of this 'story arc' were referred to, without feeling
inserted in that exposition like manner.
ART: Truthfully, I am not a big fan of more than one artist
on a book. The experience just comes across as if 'artist A' did not have
enough time to finish his work, making 'artist B' quickly jump on board to fill
in. And though I do feel this way about
this particular issue, I have to admit, that the style of Eddy Barrows and Andres Guinaldo
did complement each others pencil-work very well, and was not at all that
AMELIA: In many ways Amelia looks like the archetypical
'red-head' that Dick normally goes for. So in my opinion who better to play
this part that the token archetypical 'red-head', Christina Hendricks? I'd shag
her. Wouldn't you?
If this issue had a
MOVIE TAG LINE, what would it be?
If You Think That Your Parents Are Hard On You, Just Thank
God That Your Grandfather Isn't A Secret Assassin Who Harbours A Grudge And A
If this issue were a MOVIE,
an OBJECT, or a piece of MUSIC, what would that be and why?
As much as it did not really float my boat in the 'Jackass'
series of films, in many ways this issue reminded me of the 'Bad Grandpa' skits
inserted into this show (i.e. A Grandpa trying to coerce his Grandson).
FINAL thoughts...
With my hand on my heart this series of 'Nightwing' is
really proving itself to be a great-great book. Each story has direction, a
personable narrative, and it just very enjoyable to read. Good on you DC.
Please don't screw it up.
MARKS out of 10? 9
Reviewed by David Andrews
June 04, 2012