Batgirl Rises
Why thank you for helping me fend off those goons in the
parking lot, lady! I mean, I could have really used your help a couple of
months back when one of them shot down my brother James (Devon Coull).
Particularly when they abducted his body afterwards back at the hospital!
Oh! Wait a minute! I'm getting slightly ahead of myself here,
aren't I? Well, first off. Please allow me to cordially introduce myself. My
name is Barbra Gordon (Lindsay Heath) and my father is a cop. And like most cops
living in Gotham City
my Dad has a string of enemies over a mile long.
Now one of his enemy's are attached to the known mob boss,
Carmine Falcone, and they've been doing everything in their power to get to my
Dad through his family. So, as you can expect, lady, things haven't been going
too great for me lately. And to a certain extent I can say exactly the same
thing for you too Ms... Ms... err? Excuse me? But what did you say your name
was again?
Then again, that's most probably why what next transpires
all goes to the funny-farm when you say to me, 'I forgot to mention who I was,
didn't I, Barbra? My name is Harleen (Constance Brenneman). Harleen Quinzel.
And I'd like you to help me break a friend of mine out of Arkham Asylum'. As a love
affair isn't what it seems - a title sequence is all glitters and gleams - a
missing brother suddenly shows his face - and at the end of the day, another femme
fatale gives good grace.
Now as a rule I don't normally review independent films. On
the whole I find some of them to be rather lacklustre productions. Not
usually worth the time or the effort due to their uninspiring quality. However,
after I spoke to the director of 'Batgirl Rises', Vincent Tran, I decided to
change my mind because in this instance it's a story first and a
mission-statement second.
You see, according to Vincent, the people behind this movie
are trying to show comic and movie lovers that female characters can
really entertain audiences intellectually. And I personally felt they were
able to do this by setting up a premise which managed to sum this notion up
rather nicely. So please don't go watching this promo -- and yes, it is a
promo, only 23 minutes long -- expecting to see a lavish bunch of colourful
characters fighting over a bag of loot. Instead, this is a short tale about two
women who come together and find out they have one thing in common. Lost love.
In the case of Barbra: The loss of her missing brother. And in the case of
Harley: The loss of her one time mentor and muse.
Also, another thing I noticed about this film is that in
part it came across more of a staged production, and I put this down to a large
chunk of the narrative being about two women talking about their 'beginnings'.
In some way this two person dialogue aided the intimacy of this piece, by throwing
away unneeded paraphernalia in favor of character building and plot. What's more, I couldn't help but applaud the casting of this movie too. With Lindsay
playing Barbra Gordon as she was once depicted in the eighties -- as a lost
soul trying to find her place in the world -- where as Constance
played Harleen with a more stoic and mysterious edge -- and nothing like her
comic book counterpart.
Now on the flip side of things there were two aspects I wasn't
too keen on. Firstly, I felt that the Jim Gordon character -- even though he
was never seen -- should have been better defined within the discourse of this
two person discussion. Whilst the other thing I slightly frowned upon was those
two action scene's it had on offer. No. Not because of their inclusion. But
because I watch a lot of Honk Kong cinema and could tell how this sequence was
edited together!
Ops! My bad.
Anyway. By now I'm sure you can tell what I thought about
this independent flick. I thought it was a good flick overall, and I would like
to see where its concept is heading in the future. Just like you might too when
you next check out the following filmic facts! (1) This independent film had its
premiere on the exact same day the new Star Wars title was revealed. It was on the 6th of November, 2014 . (2) If you
think you've seen Constance Brenneman before, then that's most probably because
you've seen her on such TV shows as 'Alias', 'The Practice', and 'Those Who
Kill'. (3) Lindsay Heath has only been a jobbing actress since 2013, and during
that time she starred in such filmic shorts as 'The Decisive Moment', 'Draw a
Dream', and 'Duplex'. (4) Riyaana Hartley and Vincent Tran wrote and directed
this picture, as well as starred as un-credited extras on two other films.
Riyanna appeared in Bille Woodruff's 'Honey 2', where as Vincent appeared in an
episode of 'Glee'. (5) Angelica Bridges was once a singer at Universal Studios,
Orlando , Florida ,
and it was here where she was discovered by the president of the 'Elite model
agency'. (6) Just like Constance Brenneman, Devon Coull also made appearances
in a number of television shows, including 'Twinzies: Couples Therapy', and 'Mob
City '.
Now before I bugger of to God knows where I want you to know
how many versions of Batgirl there have been (just in case you might think this
one wasn't playing fair). For a start
there was the niece of Batwoman's Kathy Kane -- called Betty Kane -- and she
first graced the pages of Batman in issue 139, 1961. Next up was the girl we
all know and love, Jim Gordon's niece, Barbra Gordon, and her comic book debut
was in Detective Comics #359, 1967. After her came the crime fighter, Helena
Bertinelli -- also known as the Huntress -- who donned the Batgirl mantel for a
short while during the 'No Man's Land' saga. Then came my second favourite
Batgirl, Cassandra Cain -- the daughter of David Cain and Lady Shiva -- and she
first slipped into this guise in Batman #567, 1999. And finally there was the
cute daughter of the Cluemaster, Stephanie Brown, who first played vigilante in Batgirl #1, 2009.
Meanwhile, back to the review, let me just sum up by thanking
Vincent, Lindsay,
and Constance
for sparing the time for me to interview them previously. And on that note,
dear reader, please allow me to also encourage you to check out 'Batgirl Rises' when you can.
Trust me. It's a pretty decent film.
Nuff said.
Reviewed by David Andrews
January 27, 2015